Thursday, August 27, 2020

Compare and Contrast Theater, Poetry and Fiction Essay Example For Students

Look into Theater, Poetry and Fiction Essay In the sonnet, London composed by William Blake, the city of London and its kin is being constrained by the legislature that abuses its residents. This paper will show the similitudes and contrasts every story and its belongings of disaster. In the story, A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings, Marquee recounts to the account of a holy messenger like man who tumbles from the sky into the patio of Appeal and Lessened. The holy messenger like man is seen when the couple is out in the yard arranging crabs. They accept the smell from the crabs is making their infant become sick. Advance sees something from a separation and hear hints of groaning. The writer composes, He had o go very lose to see that it was an elderly person, an exceptionally elderly person, lying face down in the mud, who, notwithstanding his gigantic endeavors, couldnt get up, hindered by his tremendous wings (638). From the start, they portray him as a raspier with next to zero hair. They did not understand what he is along these lines, they called the neighbor lady to assess the man. She says, Hes a heavenly attendant. He probably been wanting the youngster, however poor people individual is old to such an extent that the downpour wrecked him (639). She recommends they should slaughter the holy messenger like man. Rather than murdering the man, they place him into their chicken coop. Soon thereafter, their youngster rises without a fever and increases his craving. Recognizing this, the couple cheers and chooses to put the blessed messenger on a pontoon and send him out to the ocean with food and beverages for three days. Be that as it may, before Appeal and Lessened could send the blessed messenger like man off, the entire neighborhood is there to see the heavenly attendant like man. Indeed, even the towns cleric came out to see him however he questions that the man is a blessed messenger since he looks human-like, smells, and shrouded in bugs. The creator says, The area cleric had his first doubt of a sham when he saw he id not comprehend the language of God or how to welcome His clergymen (640). The cleric thought it was Just another demonstration. The individuals all over town got inquisitive of the blessed messenger like man looking for good wellbeing. Decreased thinks to fence in the yard and charger the spectators an expense to see him. Individuals attempted to take care of him, jab him, consume him and toss stones at him to get an excitement from him. The holy messenger like keeps an eye on plumes started to slight, wings cripple, and become frail. As time progress, the couple sets aside enough cash to fabricate a manor. The youngster is solid and is in school. Showing up the most noticeably awful winter, the blessed messenger like man wellbeing improves and he is resolved to spread his wings. Reduced gets the edge like man from the kitchen window and is calmed that he is no more. The film, Endgame composed by Becket, recounts to the tale of a gathering of individuals living in a house and believe that the world has reached a conclusion. The film starts with Clove pulling the blinds from two little windows on inverse sides of the room. Clove strolls with an appendage. He laughs as he removes the sheets from two trash jars that Nell and Nag lives in, he likewise takes the sheet off the seat that Ham sits in. Directly before Clove goes into the kitchen; he goes to state, Finished. Its wrapped up. It must be almost wrapped up. Ham takes the old cloth from his face and places it over his lap and cleans his glasses. He blows for Clove to assist him with bedding. They quibble to and fro. Hams guardians ascend from the trash can. They analyze each other to ensure they can hear and see one another. They chuckle and think back about yesterday. Nell is awkward and gets discontent with the day to day environment her child has her in. Bother is diverting. He appreciates making Wisecracks about things they use to o. Clove additionally helps Ham with his folks. They eat hound bread rolls and have sawdust in their jars to utilize the washroom. Bother makes Nell a long Quip planning to brighten her up yet shes not illuminated by his amusingness. Despondent and di sheartened, they return down into their jars. Ham orders Clove to push him around the room. As Clove does as he is told, the visually impaired person contacts contact the divider. Ham alludes to the divider as the other damnation. .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 , .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 .postImageUrl , .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 , .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878:hover , .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878:visited , .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878:active { border:0!important; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878:active , .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878:hover { obscurity: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-improvement: underline; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da 32ebfcc878 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7533bddd544c7683b6d1da32ebfcc878:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: The Role Century Poetry In Resisting 'Patriotism' EssayClove takes him back to the focal point of the room. Ham guides him to put him in the equivalent definite spot in the focal point of the room. Ham approaches Clove for the climate. Clove gets a magnifying instrument from the kitchen. He peers out the window and depicts to Ham what he sees. Ham at that point ask Clove, We not starting to mean something? Clove ignores it. Ham at that point examines Clove concerning how he is feeling, and advises him that he despite everything has his eyes and legs to utilize. Clove appears to be messed with the inquiry Ham pose and takes steps to leave . Ham reviews minutes with Cloves father. Ham utilizes food and dread of what could occur if Clove chooses to leave. Ham utilizes the way that Clove has no spot to go and no food to keep him as a worship to him however Clove needs simply to leave. Ham demands for his pooch so Clove goes into the kitchen and came back with a stuffed canine. They at that point talk about how Ham will know when Clove leaves. Clove thinks to set a caution when he at long last leaves. Minutes after, Ham has Clove to awaken his Nag to disclose to him a story. He consents to tune in on the off chance that he gives him a sugar plum. After he recounts to the story, he hollers, there are no sugar plums. Bother recalls when little Ham and how he calls for him since hes terrified of the dull. He at that point thumps on Knells can; when he didn't get a react, e returned down in his can. Clove tidies up the wreckage around the room. Ham ask, What are you doing? Clove hollers, taking care of things! Ham orders Clove to check for his mom. Clove finds that s he is dead. His dad cries discreetly close to her. Ham shows no regret. Ham requests him to push him to the window so he can feel the daylight. Clove does as told and places him back in a similar spot. As Clove investigate the window he sees a little fellow. Ham guarantees him that there is only demise outside. Clove goes into the kitchen and snatches a clock. To start with, he drapes it on the divider then he puts it on the trash can. Clove gets aggravated and takes steps to leave. He packs his things and stands discreetly at the means. Ham calls for Clove yet he doesn't reply. Great, he says. He gets out for his dad yet he doesn't answer either. He cleans his glasses and places the cloth over his face. He stays there calm and alone. In the sonnet, London by Blake, the speaker discusses the occasion that happens as he walk the lanes of London. In the principal refrain, Blake talks about the individuals of London being miserable and persecuted from the exacting laws of London. The artist composes, l meander through each contracted road, close to where the sanctioned Thames does stream, And imprint in each face meet Marks of shortcoming, signs of hardship (lines 1-4). He cautions us that the boulevards and streams are being constrained by a sovereign force. Each individual he sees is in trouble and powerless among different infection. In the subsequent refrain, he depicts the sentiments of the individuals. He composes, In each cry of each man, in each baby cry of dread, in each voice, in each boycott, the psyche manufactured wrist bindings I hear (lines 5-8). He observes the calls of men and the dread of every kid. Despite the fact that they were restricted from opportunity to communicate, he could in any case read their looks as though it is composed all over. In the eighth line he utilizes mind-produced wrist bindings to portray a people who are enduring and scared and their emotions are detained as far as they could tell. In the third refrain, he advises how some have gotten used to thusly of life. .u314d168fd4a7cd07acd25dde19a2b48f , .u314d168fd4a7cd07acd25dde19a2b48f .postImageUrl , .u314d168fd4a7cd07acd25dde19a2

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Articles Relating to the Lack of an Internal Audit Department in a Article

Articles Relating to the Lack of an Internal Audit Department in a Company in the UAE - Article Example It additionally implies that the people included don't survey their individual work or even that of those that they are liable to. There ought to be a revelation of any conceivable or genuine irreconcilable situations that seem to hamper a direct and unbiased evaluation. The inside review assets have likewise observed extension for the motivations behind fulfilling the expanding interest for the administrations to encourage budgetary report and inner control’s official accreditations. Later on years, it may be anticipated from the inside reviewers to widen their job to duties, for example, the improvement of hazard the executives, decrease of hierarchical expenses and intricacy, and interest in the advancement of administration and vital procedures. For example, the principles of Proxy Disclosure Enhancements of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission to uncover their administration measures, which incorporate the structure of their board, the board’s overs ight of hazard the board just as its relationship with the official practices and strategies of pay. The new intermediary rules will really apply pressure or constrain the sheets to show their job in the oversight of hazard the board, and further, this presents the two chances and difficulties for the CAEs (boss review administrators) and their groups of inside inspectors. All organizations that have the branch of inward review have had it smooth in running their undertakings. Their review divisions have helped in monitoring where the cash goes, and guarantees that the cash is placed into acceptable use, and not to help people. The divisions have additionally helped the associations in knowing whether it is making or losing cash. Interior reviews helps organizations in assessing the processes’ effectiveness along with the related worldwide guidelines, shows duty by the top administration, offers extent of progress, offers data for the administration audit gatherings just as a iding in the improvement of customer certainty and fulfillment. The Importance of the Internal Audit Function in a Company by Jeffrey Thomas This article essentially discusses the noteworthiness of the division of inside review in an association. As per the article, interior inspectors carryout a scope of exercises which remember helping their associations for the anticipation of misrepresentation by assessing and checking on the viability and ampleness of the arrangement of their inside control, compare with the degree of a potential presentation inside the organization. The interior reviewers should contemplate the accompanying when meeting their commitments: Examine the control environment’s viewpoints, do viable extortion examinations and reviews, report misrepresentation reviews results and offer help for endeavors of remediation. They may likewise possess the hotline of informant at times. They ought to likewise look at misrepresentation hazard appraisal by the administ ration, particularly, their procedure for the ID, evaluation and testing of potential situations and plans of wrongdoing and extortion, which incorporate those including temporary workers, providers and even some different gatherings. Besides, they ought to analyze the working and structure adequacy of the controls that are misrepresentation related; guarantee that review projects and plans tackle remaining danger and incorporate extortion

Physical tamper-resistant devices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Physical alter safe gadgets - Essay Example As expressed by Brain Gladman â€Å"it is genuinely simple to make an encryption approach that is protected, on the off chance that it is working as expected and is accurately used. In any case, it stays hard to build up a strategy which doesn't bargain its security in conditions whereby it is either mishandled or one or a few of its subcomponents malfunction† (Gladman 2001, p. 4). Physical alter obstruction is a trademark or security idea that is relevant to different fields and not constrained to the computerized territory or registering. Hostile to alter gadget involves alter recognition, alter reactions, and alter obstruction (Rannenberg et al. 2010, p. 16). Different Physical alter safe gadgets exist. These incorporate top of the line, low-end, and mid-go gadgets. Nonetheless, one perspective significant is that these gadgets differ in cost and range characterization in different nations. For instance, China can cost and classify an alter obstruction gadget as per land limits. The following is the rundown: Much the same as the 4785 IBM, these safe gadgets are of an exceptionally solid crypto framework that is encircled with an alter detecting network. In the event that an endeavor at altering is seen, the work for all time erases the primary material and renders the gadget unrecoverable just as garbled. This gadget is huge for two reasons. Right off the bat, it is the main accessible business processor to have been effectively assessed at the most elevated phases of alter obstruction. Also, the IBM 4758 has a broad writing concerning its history, structure development, defensive methods (Gladman 2001, p.3). These sort of safe gadgets include a symmetric cryptosystem key. These gadgets are regularly secured against unapproved peruses, and the techniques are planned on an exceptionally fundamental establishment. Modest Microcontrollers are one of the instances of low-end safe gadgets.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Queen Annes Revenge - Blackbeards Pirate Ship

The Queen Anne's Revenge - Blackbeard's Pirate Ship The Queen Annes Revenge was a gigantic privateer transport instructed by Edward Blackbeard Teach in 1717-18. Initially a French slaving vessel that Blackbeard caught and altered, it was one of the most considerable privateer transports ever, conveying 40 guns and enough space for a lot of men and plunder. The Queen Annes Revenge was equipped for fending off about any Navy warship above water at that point. It sank in 1718, and many accept that Blackbeard abandoned it intentionally. The disaster area has been found and has turned up a fortune trove of privateer curios. From Concorde to Queen Annes Revenge On November 17, 1717, Blackbeard caught La Concorde, a French slaving vessel. He understood that it would make an ideal privateer transport. It was enormous yet quick and large enough to mount 40 guns ready. He renamed it Queen Annes Revenge: the name alluded to Anne, Queen of England and Scotland (1665-1714). Numerous privateers, including Blackbeard, were Jacobites: this implied they supported the arrival of the position of royalty of Great Britain from the House of Hanover to the House of Stuart. It had changed hands after Annes demise. The Ultimate Pirate Ship Blackbeard wanted to scare his casualties into giving up, as battles were expensive. For a while in 1717-18, Blackbeard utilized the Queen Annes Revenge to viably threaten dispatching in the Atlantic. Between the enormous frigate and his own fearsome appearance and notoriety, Blackbeards casualties once in a while set up a battle and gave over their cargoes peacefully. He ravaged the transportation paths voluntarily. He was even ready to barricade the port of Charleston for seven days in April of 1718, plundering a few boats. The town gave him an important chest loaded with medications to cause him to leave. The Queen Annes Revenge Sinks In June of 1718, the Queen Annes Revenge hit a sandbar off of North Carolina and must be relinquished. Blackbeard accepted the open door to snatch the entirety of the plunder and a chosen few of his preferred privateers, leaving the others (counting hapless privateer Stede Bonnet) to battle for themselves. Since Blackbeard went genuine (kind of) for a brief period from that point forward, many idea he abandoned his lead intentionally. Inside a couple of months, Blackbeard would profit to robbery and for November 22, 1718, he was killed by privateer trackers in a pitched fight off of North Carolina. The Wreck of the Queen Anne’s Revenge In 1996, a wreck accepted to be that of the Queen Annes Revenge was found off of North Carolina. For a long time it was uncovered and contemplated, and in 2011 it was affirmed to be Blackbeards transport. The wreck has yielded many fascinating curios, including weapons, guns, clinical apparatus and a gigantic stay. <img information srcset= 300w, 705w, 1110w, 1920w information src= src=//:0 alt=Steer of Queen Anne's Revenge destruction. class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-16 information following container=true /> Juha Flinkman, SubZone OY/CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons A significant number of the curios are in plain view at North Carolinas Maritime historical center and can be seen by people in general. The opening of the show drew record swarms, a demonstration of Blackbeards enduring notoriety and fame. Sources Cordingly, David. Under the Black Flag New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 1996Defoe, Daniel (Captain Charles Johnson). A General History of the Pyrates. Altered by Manuel Schonhorn. Mineola: Dover Publications, 1972/1999.Konstam, Angus. The World Atlas of Pirates. Guilford: the Lyons Press, 2009Konstam, Angus. The Pirate Ship 1660-1730. New York: Osprey, 2003.

Elizabeth Gilbert TED Talk Your Elusive Creative Genius

Elizabeth Gilbert TED Talk Your Elusive Creative Genius If youre a writer or an artist of any type for that matter, this is a TED talk that youll want to watch. Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love talks about the impossible things society seems to expect from artists and geniuses. She then provides the radical idea that instead of some individuals being geniuses, instead all artists have a genius as part of us. Her personal anecdotes, humorous style and surprisingly insightful thoughts about being an artist will make you question how you see yourself and other artists. See for yourself: The talk delves into the expectations of those who choose creativity as a career / life choice, and how creative people manage the emotional risks of being an artist. If you have ever had any fears about the quality of your writing or have had others instill doubt about the artistic profession you have chosen to pursue, Elizabeth Gilbert has some advice on how you may want to approach this as your career progresses. The main focus of the talk is about fear and doubt about being a writer (or another artist) and questioning why this comes about. Society as a whole seems to have an uneasiness regarding those who decide to go into an artistic occupation. As Gilbert points out, people dont question those who are chemical engineers about whether they have fears about their profession as they often do to writers. After taking the time to explain how artistic ability went from being considered an outside force in ancient times to being considered solely the product of the individual in more recent times, she questions if this is a good thing. Can the average artist survive when the expectations continue to grow and grow? The solution to the problem is elegantly simple. Its to step back and take a hint from earlier times. Instead of everything being solely the responsibility of the individual, realize that the artistic inspiration isnt something that can necessarily be willed into being. For this, you may want to give some of the power to a distinct and separate part of you. That is, youre doing the work, and you will do the work required on a daily basis, and you have the confidence that the inspiration will come to make it complete. While this might sound quite complicated, it isnt. Gilbert does an excellent job explaining the artists inspiration through examples so even those who dont have an artistic background can understand the conflict which needs to be resolved. Most artists will instantly understand her fears and have likely experienced similar one to some degree during their career. While greatly beneficial to all those pursuing the arts, my guess is that this video may be even more beneficial to the partners of artists who may be able to get a better glimpse of the struggles and fears they must face when doing their trade. If you have an extra 20 minutes to spare, sit down and watch this video right now. If you dont, bookmark the video so that you can come back when you do have 20 minutes. At the very least, it will get you thinking about how society views those in the arts, and may give you some insight on how you can help yourself stay sane while doing what you love.

Friday, June 26, 2020

International Investment Report Coursework - 2750 Words

International Investment Report (Coursework Sample) Content: INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT REPORTStudents NameCourse NameDate Due BackgroundIn this paper, we explore the possibilities of extending Vodafone services into the big Asian country of China. We start by analyzing the economic opportunities available in China and consider the financial system of the country. By analyzing the economic, financial, population and labour structure we try to find out if there are possibilities of opportunities of investment for the telecommunications sector. We shall therefore explore any information on the telecommunications sector, the competitors in the industry as well as government regulations and any taxation regime if any. Since Vodafone is the company proposed for investment in the country of China, we shall have background information on Vodafone and any of their operations in the recent years. IntroductionThe Chinese government has been planning from 1949 but just of recently as 1978 is when the Deng Xiaoping capitalist market principl es came into play and the economy started to exhibit massive growth traits averaging about 10% of their gross domestic product which lasted for three decades, during which period their economy size also grow by approximately 48 times from just below USD$ 168.367 billion in 1981 to over USD$ 8.227 trillion in the early 2000s (, 2015). Besides the government reforms, independence was also granted to businesses and enterprises which were under government ownership which meant officials of government at local levels as well as managers of different plants applied more authority than before. This led the creation of a number of different types of private enterprises in the services sector and light manufacturing sector together with stock markets to develop and or grow as economic reforms took hold. There are however some challenges which the Chinese government faces in their bid to make reforms in their economy (, 2015). Some of the challenges include the reducti on of the high domestic rates of savings and the correspondingly little domestic demand for their goods, the challenge to sustain their job growth for several millions of migrants as well as the new entrants into their workforce; the challenge to reduce the levels of corruption as well other crimes in the economy and containment of the environment damage together with social strife which is related to their economic rapid transformation. The Countrys Economic GeographyChina is known to be the worlds largest country measuring 9,569,901 square kilometers with an economy which is better understood by their decentralization of collection of multiple regional economies but with huge imbalances existing between the rural and the urban populations (Heritage .org, 2015). The country has three wealthiest, richest and most important regions which are found at the east coast namely the Pearl River Delta which is closer to Hong Kong; the Yangtze River Delta which surrounds Shanghai City and the Bohai Bay region which is found near Beijing. The rapid growth and development of these mentioned areas is also expected to impact heavily and significantly on the Asian regional economies in general and particularly the Chinese government policy is also designed to eliminate any obstacles to accelerate growth of these regions. Over the past two decades, the country has also embarked on very ambitious program of the expressway network and expansion. By the country facilitating their market integration, such a program aims to promoting efficiency at the national level besides contributing to catch up of the inland regions with the prosperous eastern coast regions. The results of the program have seen major financial centers of Beijing and shanghai experience slow growth in the fiscal year at 7.7% and 7.5% respectively as opposed to growth rates of the regions of Tianjin, Yunnan Chongqing and Guizhou in the impoverished interior at over 13%. Population and LabourThe population of t he country in 2012 was estimated to be over 1.35 billion making China the largest and most populated country in the world (, 2015). This also makes China to have the worlds labour force with over 795.4 million people although other estimates indicate that the countrys potential labour force estimated between the working ages between 15 years and 64 years could be higher almost at 1.004 billion people. The countrys unemployment rate according to government statistics was 4.1% in 2012 but analysts also believe this may not be accounting for most of the rural population. This is in the refection of the fact that China has maintained their unemployment rate between 4.0% and 4.3% in the last ten years as seen from some government figures. Some economists still state that China could face a dwindling pool of very young workers in the future because of the countrys notorious single child policy. In fact some estimates state that the a section of the Chinas population especia lly those above 60 years in their population may account for 28% from the present 11% by the year 2040 (, 2015) . The countrys labour force also reduced by over 3.45 million for the first time in more than 50 years. In spite of the population growth rate which stands at 0.46% the lowest in the world, the government official reiterated the one child policy could remain place at least for the next couple of years. Political StructureIn China, the Chinese communist party (CCP) has been at the political helm for over six decades which is long time and expected to surpass the communist party of the Soviet Union one day. The CCP named the regime as the republic of China (PRC) and in this period political institution as well as political culture has significantly evolved because of the willingness of the CCP to adapt. Presently the CCP is committed to having a permanent power monopoly with its intolerance of opponents and analysts take their political system to either be neit her monolithic nor rigidly hierarchical (Scutt, 2015). There is however competition within CCP highest 25 member politburo, among ministries and provincial governments with some semblance of debate in the national peoples congress with attempts to push back some government policies. As part of a trend of political pluralization, other actors in the countrys politics increasingly attempt to influence policy debates and such actors include state - owned and private media, private corporations, research institutes, university academics, non governmental organizations, sponsored associations and societies and grassroots. Business Environment Under the guidance of the CCP, the country has debated needs to balance economics to shift power and wealth from state owned businesses and local government to private sectors although real power changes of power are somehow hard to detect. To this extent labor reforms have taken root to the extent that south and east China seas have increased du e to Beijing declaration of air defense identification zone as well as deployment of oil rig in the waters of Vietnam. The country has seen impressive performance in the GDP due to economic reforms and greater integrations towards world trading with financial systems. The president started his first year in power with a campaign against corruption, netting several high ranking officials although the topic remains largely academic. Cyber espionage was visible in 2014 with deterioration of property rights and the countrys judicial system. Tax RegimeThe tax rate of the top individual income is 45% with corporate tax rate being 25%, other taxes being VAT and real estate tax. It is also given that countrys burden of tax at 19.4% of the GDP is the most recent and expenditures by government account for over 24.*% of the GNP with public debt standing at 22% of GDP.Business regulations and reforms have gradually and unevenly progressed with the time taken to incorporate a business taking ab out 30 days. The bureaucracies still contribute to the cost of requirements of licensing. However labour regulations are flexible even if labor law enforcement is not consistent. There are subsidies provided by the Chinese government for business like fossil fuel and electricity besides heavily subsidizing agricultural funds. Markets The average tariff rate in the country stands at 4.1% with export taxes, state owned enterprises subsidies, anti damping and other measures limiting trade to some extent. The government of China is known to screen investments from abroad and also strictly controls the financial system with enterprises belonging to the government benefiting greatly from access to capital and financing opportunities which is not the case with small and medium companies which continue to suffer from accessing credit problems. Telecommunications IndustryThe telecommunications sector of China has faced challenges in this digital era with tools on the internet like the Wei xin, Weibo and Twitter dramatically reducing profits of telecommunications operators for voice calls and short messages (SMS) and the industry strives to avoid becoming just data channels (Deloitte China, 2013). On the past experiences of some telecom operators, the ideal strategy could be to open a platform that attracts participation by hardware providers, final end device suppliers, content developers and users. The telecom operators shall also need to take a lead in the healthy development of the ecosystem as well as gene combination on the internet. The upcoming 4G battle is crucial for telecom operators and China mobile, China telecom and China Unicom, the three operators could consider giving up 3G costs incurred to enter the realm of 4G to attract the future market. The mo... International Investment Report Coursework - 2750 Words International Investment Report (Coursework Sample) Content: INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT REPORTStudents NameCourse NameDate Due BackgroundIn this paper, we explore the possibilities of extending Vodafone services into the big Asian country of China. We start by analyzing the economic opportunities available in China and consider the financial system of the country. By analyzing the economic, financial, population and labour structure we try to find out if there are possibilities of opportunities of investment for the telecommunications sector. We shall therefore explore any information on the telecommunications sector, the competitors in the industry as well as government regulations and any taxation regime if any. Since Vodafone is the company proposed for investment in the country of China, we shall have background information on Vodafone and any of their operations in the recent years. IntroductionThe Chinese government has been planning from 1949 but just of recently as 1978 is when the Deng Xiaoping capitalist market principl es came into play and the economy started to exhibit massive growth traits averaging about 10% of their gross domestic product which lasted for three decades, during which period their economy size also grow by approximately 48 times from just below USD$ 168.367 billion in 1981 to over USD$ 8.227 trillion in the early 2000s (, 2015). Besides the government reforms, independence was also granted to businesses and enterprises which were under government ownership which meant officials of government at local levels as well as managers of different plants applied more authority than before. This led the creation of a number of different types of private enterprises in the services sector and light manufacturing sector together with stock markets to develop and or grow as economic reforms took hold. There are however some challenges which the Chinese government faces in their bid to make reforms in their economy (, 2015). Some of the challenges include the reducti on of the high domestic rates of savings and the correspondingly little domestic demand for their goods, the challenge to sustain their job growth for several millions of migrants as well as the new entrants into their workforce; the challenge to reduce the levels of corruption as well other crimes in the economy and containment of the environment damage together with social strife which is related to their economic rapid transformation. The Countrys Economic GeographyChina is known to be the worlds largest country measuring 9,569,901 square kilometers with an economy which is better understood by their decentralization of collection of multiple regional economies but with huge imbalances existing between the rural and the urban populations (Heritage .org, 2015). The country has three wealthiest, richest and most important regions which are found at the east coast namely the Pearl River Delta which is closer to Hong Kong; the Yangtze River Delta which surrounds Shanghai City and the Bohai Bay region which is found near Beijing. The rapid growth and development of these mentioned areas is also expected to impact heavily and significantly on the Asian regional economies in general and particularly the Chinese government policy is also designed to eliminate any obstacles to accelerate growth of these regions. Over the past two decades, the country has also embarked on very ambitious program of the expressway network and expansion. By the country facilitating their market integration, such a program aims to promoting efficiency at the national level besides contributing to catch up of the inland regions with the prosperous eastern coast regions. The results of the program have seen major financial centers of Beijing and shanghai experience slow growth in the fiscal year at 7.7% and 7.5% respectively as opposed to growth rates of the regions of Tianjin, Yunnan Chongqing and Guizhou in the impoverished interior at over 13%. Population and LabourThe population of t he country in 2012 was estimated to be over 1.35 billion making China the largest and most populated country in the world (, 2015). This also makes China to have the worlds labour force with over 795.4 million people although other estimates indicate that the countrys potential labour force estimated between the working ages between 15 years and 64 years could be higher almost at 1.004 billion people. The countrys unemployment rate according to government statistics was 4.1% in 2012 but analysts also believe this may not be accounting for most of the rural population. This is in the refection of the fact that China has maintained their unemployment rate between 4.0% and 4.3% in the last ten years as seen from some government figures. Some economists still state that China could face a dwindling pool of very young workers in the future because of the countrys notorious single child policy. In fact some estimates state that the a section of the Chinas population especia lly those above 60 years in their population may account for 28% from the present 11% by the year 2040 (, 2015) . The countrys labour force also reduced by over 3.45 million for the first time in more than 50 years. In spite of the population growth rate which stands at 0.46% the lowest in the world, the government official reiterated the one child policy could remain place at least for the next couple of years. Political StructureIn China, the Chinese communist party (CCP) has been at the political helm for over six decades which is long time and expected to surpass the communist party of the Soviet Union one day. The CCP named the regime as the republic of China (PRC) and in this period political institution as well as political culture has significantly evolved because of the willingness of the CCP to adapt. Presently the CCP is committed to having a permanent power monopoly with its intolerance of opponents and analysts take their political system to either be neit her monolithic nor rigidly hierarchical (Scutt, 2015). There is however competition within CCP highest 25 member politburo, among ministries and provincial governments with some semblance of debate in the national peoples congress with attempts to push back some government policies. As part of a trend of political pluralization, other actors in the countrys politics increasingly attempt to influence policy debates and such actors include state - owned and private media, private corporations, research institutes, university academics, non governmental organizations, sponsored associations and societies and grassroots. Business Environment Under the guidance of the CCP, the country has debated needs to balance economics to shift power and wealth from state owned businesses and local government to private sectors although real power changes of power are somehow hard to detect. To this extent labor reforms have taken root to the extent that south and east China seas have increased du e to Beijing declaration of air defense identification zone as well as deployment of oil rig in the waters of Vietnam. The country has seen impressive performance in the GDP due to economic reforms and greater integrations towards world trading with financial systems. The president started his first year in power with a campaign against corruption, netting several high ranking officials although the topic remains largely academic. Cyber espionage was visible in 2014 with deterioration of property rights and the countrys judicial system. Tax RegimeThe tax rate of the top individual income is 45% with corporate tax rate being 25%, other taxes being VAT and real estate tax. It is also given that countrys burden of tax at 19.4% of the GDP is the most recent and expenditures by government account for over 24.*% of the GNP with public debt standing at 22% of GDP.Business regulations and reforms have gradually and unevenly progressed with the time taken to incorporate a business taking ab out 30 days. The bureaucracies still contribute to the cost of requirements of licensing. However labour regulations are flexible even if labor law enforcement is not consistent. There are subsidies provided by the Chinese government for business like fossil fuel and electricity besides heavily subsidizing agricultural funds. Markets The average tariff rate in the country stands at 4.1% with export taxes, state owned enterprises subsidies, anti damping and other measures limiting trade to some extent. The government of China is known to screen investments from abroad and also strictly controls the financial system with enterprises belonging to the government benefiting greatly from access to capital and financing opportunities which is not the case with small and medium companies which continue to suffer from accessing credit problems. Telecommunications IndustryThe telecommunications sector of China has faced challenges in this digital era with tools on the internet like the Wei xin, Weibo and Twitter dramatically reducing profits of telecommunications operators for voice calls and short messages (SMS) and the industry strives to avoid becoming just data channels (Deloitte China, 2013). On the past experiences of some telecom operators, the ideal strategy could be to open a platform that attracts participation by hardware providers, final end device suppliers, content developers and users. The telecom operators shall also need to take a lead in the healthy development of the ecosystem as well as gene combination on the internet. The upcoming 4G battle is crucial for telecom operators and China mobile, China telecom and China Unicom, the three operators could consider giving up 3G costs incurred to enter the realm of 4G to attract the future market. The mo...

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Impact Of Globalization On The Workplace Environments...

Under current United States law, â€Å"a work environment is considered discriminatory only if it is pervasively hostile or abusive† (Green 658). Thus, judgements based on looks are completely tolerated, as aesthetic discrimination is arguably not abusive. Iranian scholar Zahra Ghordati notes in her recent publication, â€Å"The Influence of Globalization on ‘Lookism’ in Workplace Environments of Different Cultures†, that â€Å"individuals should be free to discriminate on the basis of their own values. This means that institutions are free to enact policies that prohibit discrimination against or benefit in some way those who are aesthetically less fortunate† (Ghordati 3). This gives employees no other option but to conform to work culture, for while they have the option of seeking other employment, the majority of management teams share the same norms. Thus, patriarchal impositions are inescapable. The workforce is burdening for women. She not only must fight to be seen as more than just a vagina, but she also must fit the idea image of what a working woman should look like. Ritu Mahajan supports this claim in â€Å"The Naked Truth: Appearance Discrimination, Employment and the Law†, writing that dress codes in the workforce â€Å"often reflect patriarchal views about the appropriate role and behavior of women. Appearance choices and dress code enforcement are complicit in creating gender differences, renegotiating identities, and reinforcing men’s domination of women† (Mahajan 172). These dressShow MoreRelatedCulture And Diversity : An Instrumental Aspect Of The Business Environment Essay1182 Words   |  5 PagesExecutive summary Culture and diversity has been an instrumental aspect of the business environment for a few decades now. While globalization is singled out as its enhancer, it is far from its inceptor. Managers have had to deal with diversity for years, through the contemporary environment has realized an influx in this particular phenomenon (Mor-Barak, 2011). In the contemporary business, environment has become more complex with the degree of diversity that is being witnessed. Managers have toRead MoreHow Human Resource Planning Is Different From Manpower Planning? Essay1494 Words   |  6 PagesQ1.) What is the main purpose of human resource planning? As a part of your answer describe how Human Resource planning is different from manpower planning? EXPLANATION: - Human Resource planning Different techniques and practices used by an organization to forecasts its human resource needs and make sure, that it has adequate number of skilled and suitably trained employees at all times, to perform the tasks of the organization efficiently and help it to achieve its goals. This is a process,Read MoreThe Influence of Organizational Culture on Organizational Functionality861 Words   |  3 PagesRizescu, M. (2011). Orgainzational Culture Influences on the Organizations Functionality. Revista Academie ForTelor Terestre. 1( 61): 75-82. Globalization has brought the world closer in communication, economics, politics, and especially business. The Internet and technological improvements have allowed instantaneous communication almost anywhere, and even poor women in India are using Smartphones to manage their banking portfolios. The idea of globalism continues to break down cultural barriersRead MoreHow Globalization Effects Hrm Essay1733 Words   |  7 PagesHow Globalization effects HRM The term Globalization has invaded the mind of every successful businessman and the concept of Global Village is a common issue in the modern business world. What really the globalization is? 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Diversity is the condition of having or being composed of differing elements : VARIETY; especially : the inclusion of different types of people (as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization programs intended to promote diversity in schoolsRead MoreChallenges Of Cross Cultural Work Environment999 Words   |  4 Pages CHALLENGES IN CROSS CULTURAL WORK ENVIRONMENT ABINAY KANKATI Sullivan University MGT-510 Executive Summary: The proposal briefs about the challenges in a cross-cultural work environment and how we can over come these challenges. Cross-culture as the name sounds involves dealing with various cultures across the world. Working in a cross-cultural work environment is always difficult and the need to face challenges is quite common in such organizations. Communication is one of theRead Moreeffects of globlization1124 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Health Globalization has both positive and negative effects about one of the major concerns, health. The health care is primarily affected by globalization is through the increasing and worsening of internationalization of various health risks. However, if you will have to define the terms and other dimensions of the health risks such as; Technological, economic, social, political and cultural as well as scientific aspects. The linkages between health care and globalization are quite complexRead MoreMultiformity in the Workplace Essay example659 Words   |  3 Pagesreligion, or life-style. Workplace diversity refers to variety and multiformity in the workplace. This multiformity can be driven in numerous ways; demographic composition of geographical location, an aging population, increasing presence of women in the workplace to mention a few. In this paper we examine how diversity can be manages using operant and social learning practices to reduce the incidence of workplace stereotypes. Diversity in the workplace With market globalization and international competition

Monday, May 18, 2020

Whitman College Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA

Whitman College is a private liberal arts college with an acceptance rate of 50%. Located in the small town of Walla Walla, Washington, Whitman offers 49 majors, small classes, and a 9-to-1  student / faculty ratio. For its strengths in the liberal arts and sciences, Whitman was awarded a chapter of the prestigious  Phi Beta Kappa  honor society. Students interested in the sciences, engineering, or law can can take advantage of collaborations with top schools like  Caltech,  Columbia,  Duke  and  Washington University. Whitman also offers a wide range of options for study abroad with programs in 45 countries. In athletics, Whitman competes in the NCAA Division III Northwest Conference. Considering applying to Whitman College? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, Whitman College had an acceptance rate of 50%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 50 students were admitted, making Whitmans admissions process competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 5,226 Percent Admitted 50% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 16% SAT Scores and Requirements Whitman College has a test-optional standardized testing policy. Applicants to Whitman may submit SAT or ACT scores to the school, but they are not required.  During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 37% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 610 710 Math 620 740 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that of those students who submitted scores during the 2017-18 admissions cycle, most of Whitman Colleges admitted students fall within the top 20% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to Whitman scored between 610 and 710, while 25% scored below 610 and 25% scored above 710. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 620 and 740, while 25% scored below 620 and 25% scored above 740. While the SAT is not required, this data tells us that a composite SAT score of 1450 or higher is competitive for Whitman College. Requirements Whitman College does not require SAT scores for admission. For students who choose to submit scores, note that Whitman participates in the scorechoice program, meaning that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. Whitman does not require the essay section of the SAT. ACT Scores and Requirements Whitman College has a test-optional standardized testing policy. Applicants may submit SAT or ACT scores to the school, but they are not required.  During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 54% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 26 35 Math 25 31 Composite 27 32 This admissions data tells us that of those who submitted scores during the 2017-18 admissions cycle, most of Whitman Colleges admitted students fall within the  top 14% nationally  on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to Whitman received a composite ACT score between 27 and 32, while 25% scored above 32 and 25% scored below 27. Requirements Note that Whitman does not require ACT scores for admission. For students who choose to submit scores, Whitman participates in the scorechoice program, meaning that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all ACT test dates. Whitman does not require the ACT writing section. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA for Whitman Colleges incoming freshmen class was 3.66, and over 75% had average GPAs of 3.5 and above. These results suggest that most successful applicants to Whitman College have primarily A and B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph Whitman College Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to Whitman College. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances Whitman College, which accepts half of applicants, has a competitive admissions pool. However, Whitman also has a  holistic admissions  process and is test-optional, and admissions decisions are based on much more than numbers. A strong  application essay  and  glowing letters of recommendation  can strengthen your application, as can participation in meaningful  extracurricular activities  and a  rigorous course schedule. The college is looking for students who will contribute to the campus community in meaningful ways, not just students who show promise in the classroom. While not required, Whitman strongly recommends  interviews  for interested applicants. Students with particularly compelling stories or achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their grades and scores are outside of Whitmans average range. In the graph above, the green and blue dots represent accepted students. As you can see, the majority of students who got in had GPAs in the A range, SAT scores (ERWM) above 1200, and ACT composite scores of 27 or higher. Many admitted students had 4.0 averages. If You Like Whitman College, You May Also Like These Schools Stanford UniversityPitzer CollegeUniversity of WashingtonCarleton CollegeBowdoin CollegeGrinnell CollegeMiddlebury CollegeReed CollegePomona College All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and Whitman College Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Edmhodr Assignment 2 - 2253 Words

MODULE: EDMHODR RE: ASSIGNMENT 2 STUDENT: MONIQUE MOMBOURGH STUDENT NO: 3475 9662 Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Multiple Intelligence Theory 2 3. Summary of the Multiple Intelligences 2 4. Multiple Intelligences in the classroom 6 1. Applying four of the intelligences in the classroom 6 5. Conclusion 7 6. Bibliography 7 1. Introduction Various theories have been developed over the years to measure and explain intelligence. Yet, still no single definition exists. Intelligence has always been regarded as an independent and purely intellectual ability. This view has changed to†¦show more content†¦These learners are always observing and visualizing (Nieman et al 2008:87). Learners enjoy creating mind maps, completing jigsaw puzzles and drawing. Artists, architects, navigators and pilots fall in this category. Claude Monet, Walt Disney, Pablo Picasso, and Georgia OKeefe are some examples of people gifted with this intelligence. †¢ Bodily / Kinesthetic Intelligence Traditionally, in Western societies, physical skills are not as highly valued as cognitive ones. However, the ability to use ones body has been important for survival in many parts (Sherman 1998). Skills include where the whole body or specific parts thereof are used to express ideas or feelings. Learners exhibit the capacity to perform with good co-ordination, dexterity and balance. Learners like to move around, touch the people they are talking to and act things out. They are good at small and large muscle skills; they enjoy all types of sports and physical activities (Giles, Pitre Womack 2003). They often express themselves through dance. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople fall in this category. Some examples of people who are gifted with this intelligence are Michael Jordan, Martina Navratilova Tiger Woods, and Jim Carrey. †¢ Musical Intelligence Musical intelligence refer to the ability to observe sounds, transform notes and express musical forms. Skills include appreciating

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Hurricane Devastation Of Louisiana - 1484 Words

Introduction The people of New Orleans, Louisiana believed that it would be a storm like any other, nothing to set this Hurricane apart from the others that they had dealt with over their lives living in their beloved city below sea level. Unfortunately, that proved to not be the case and indeed it would be a storm they would remember for the rest of their lives. The impact of this storm to the people of Louisiana was felt by more than just their wallets, but by the touching and emotional tails of the residents who had the unique experience of living in the area as the worst of the storm hit. Animals, infants, children, newly weds, tourists, and the elderly were all affected by the Natural Disaster that was Hurricane Katrina as it hit New Orleans in August of 2005. Roy Calibrisi, who was 83 at the time of Katrina was a lifelong resident of New Orleans and refused to evacuate due to the storm, but eventually had to be airlifted to a hospital after suffering a heart attack while taking shelter in his home. Dr. Kiersta Kurtz-Burke was a doctor working at Charity Hospital and continued to care for her patients even as the hospital became damaged and suffered a leak in the gas lines. Most tragic, is the story of Douglas and Linda deSilvey, along with their daughter Donna. Sensing the strength of the storm they took shelter in Linda’s mother’s house, but a look out to the bay alerted Douglas that the water was too high. However, before he could warn his family, the roof of theShow MoreRelatedNatural Disasters : Causes And Impacts Of Hurricane Katrina757 Words   |  4 Pagesmany, causing injury, devastation, and fatalities. When a natural disaster occurs the feeling of uneasiness, survival, and humanity is tested during these times. Hu rricane Katrina is one of many, the deadliest, damaging, and expensive Hurricanes that struck the nation. Hurricane Katrina hit the southern coast affecting Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana on August 29, 2005. Hurricane Katrina’s powerful wind and extreme flooding took a major toll on New Orleans Louisiana. The biggest impactRead MoreTaking a Look at Hurricane Katrina615 Words   |  3 PagesHurricane Katrina will always be remembered for the devastation it caused, my close friends, the Adams family knows this better than anyone else. My family has been close friends with the Adams for nearly my whole life, the thing that stood out about them the most was their passion to help others and their obsession for the New Orleans Saints. The Adams have numerous relatives who live in Louisiana, including their parents on the father’s side. The parents live just twenty minutes south of New OrleansRead MoreThe Disaster Of Hurricane Katrina1206 Words   |  5 Pages Situation On August 29th, 2005 Hurricane Katrina caused catastrophic damage and flooding in Mississippi, Louisiana, New Orleans and areas in between. It destructed the lives and homes of thousands of people, with a total of 1,883 fatalities (Hurricane Katrina Statistics Fast Facts, 2015). Hurricane Katrina left many homeless and hospitals unprepared for the challenges posed to the healthcare system as a whole. Some of these challenges included gaining access to healthcare facilities, providing expeditedRead MoreHurricane Devastation Of The United States1034 Words   |  5 PagesHurricane Katrina struck the United States on August 29, 2005; it was the costliest and deadliest hurricane to ever hit the nation. It was one of the strongest to hit the coast in the last 100 years. Katrina caused as widespread of devastation along the Gulf Coast states and cities such as Mobile, AL, Gulfport, MS and the worst being New Orleans, LA. Although many people were prepared for the hurricane, no one would im agine the damage it would cause and the many lives it would take. Katrina startedRead MoreThe Un Natural Disaster Of Hurricane Katrina1037 Words   |  5 PagesThe Un-Natural Disaster of Hurricane Katrina: the Consequence of Corrupt Politicians in New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina is infamous: the storm that buried the vibrant city of New Orleans under up to sixteen feet of water. Hurricane Katrina was a natural disaster, but the crimes committed against the storm’s survivors in the months prior, setting them up for devastation, were the true tragedies. Not only were the citizens of the Big Easy neglected pre-Katrina, but they remained on the back burnerRead MoreHurricane Andrew Essay621 Words   |  3 PagesHurricane Andrew Synoptic description of the disaster : On August 24th, 1992 in the state of Florida, complete destruction was the end result of Hurricane Andrew. A Hurricane that began in the Atlantic ocean at 20mph. That is almost twice the strength that normal hurricanes begin at. The peak strength of Hurricane Andrew was so strong that devices were not able to measure the winds. An approximation of the force of the winds was said to be up to 200mph. Andrew destroyed about 28,000 homesRead MoreThe Disaster Of The Hurricane Katrina1344 Words   |  6 PagesThe devastating Hurricane Katrina left Louisiana, and the rest of America, distraught. The mighty category 5 hurricane left thousands of Louisiana residents without food, water and shelter. The devastation of the storm led the levies of the flood-protecting dam to break leaving the city underwater during the catastrophe. This natural disaster will go down in American history as the worst of its kind. Although all the unfortunate natural events that made this tragedy possible, the supervision ofRead MoreThe Hurricane Devastation Of The United States933 Words   |  4 PagesThe massive hurricane that decimated large areas of the southeastern coast originated as a small category 1 hurricane. The state and federal government received lots of criticism for their minimal preparation and their ineffectual evacuation procedures. The storm shed light on the role of the government in natural disasters and its need for serious evaluation. During the first few hours of the storm, the Louisiana National Guard did not feel concerned about the approaching rainfall. Once membersRead MoreThe Most Natural Disasters That Befall Several Times A Year1523 Words   |  7 PagesHurricanes are common natural disasters that befall several times a year. Most often, their wind strength are ranked less than Category 3, however occasionally, when conditions are favourable, they can grow into gigantic storms that bring devastation to anything in its vast reach; Hurricane Katrina of 2005 is the infamous one that pertain to the above description. Description of the Event While Katrina was only ranked sixth on the record in terms of wind strength recorded in the Atlantic basin,Read MoreThe Response Of Hurricane Katrina1625 Words   |  7 Pagesattention is provided to those in hardship. A prime example of this is New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina hit. Before the hurricane hit the only time I had hear of New Orleans was if someone was speaking about doing down to Mardi Gras. The people affected by the hurricane lost a lot. Many lost their homes, tangible possessions stored in their homes, animals, and some lost their lives. Hurricane Katrina was a huge devastation to the country, but many survivors say they did not get adequate supplies, shelter

Symptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia - 1384 Words

Schizoaffective disorder, often abbreviated as SZA or SAD, is a mental disorder portrayed by unusual thought processes and emotions and is defined by mood disorder-free psychosis in the context of a long-term psychotic and mood disorder (Schizoaffective Disorder, 2014b). The diagnosis is made when the individual has characteristics of both schizophrenia and a mood disorder, either bipolar disorder or depression, but does not meet diagnostic criteria for either alone (Schizoaffective Disorder, 2015d). The bipolar type is classified by indications of mania, hypomania, or mixed episode and the depressive type is classified by symptoms of only depression (Schizoaffective Disorder, 2015c). Hallucinations, paranoid delusions, and disorganized speech and thinking or behavior are common symptoms for the criterion psychosis must meet for schizophrenia (Schizoaffective Disorder, 2014b). Symptoms currently have an indefinite lifetime dominance and usually begin in young adulthood. Diagnosi s is based on observed behavior and the individual s reported experiences (Schizoaffective Disorder, 2014b). Schizoaffective disorders are often mistakenly diagnosed with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia because it shares symptoms of numerous mental health illnesses. Classic symptoms of psychosis are delusions and hallucinations. Delusions are false beliefs which are intensely held even with evidence to the contrary but beliefs should not be deemed delusional if they are in keeping withShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1176 Words   |  5 Pages Symptoms The symptoms of schizophrenia are wide and varied, typically falling into three main categories, positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive symptoms. Each of these symptom types affect the patient in different ways, and in different degrees of severity. The symptoms may range from mildly irritating, to severe and debilitating. Positive symptoms are behaviors not normally seen in healthy people. Negative symptoms are behaviors that are usually exhibited in healthy people but areRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1671 Words   |  7 Pages Schizophrenia is defined many ways, but each definition of this disorder is correct. No two individuals will have the exact same symptoms of schizophrenia. The word schizophrenia comes from the Greek words that mean â€Å"split mind†. This disorder can lead to many other problems throughout a person’s lifetime. There are many different symptoms that can help with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, but each of the sym ptoms can also be contributed to other disorders. The symptoms of schizophrenia appearRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia904 Words   |  4 Pagessigns symptoms observed. Some of the disorders are caused by different factors and reveal divergent signs and symptoms which are depended on the field of the body infected. This paper purposes at critically evaluating and analyzing psychological disorder referred to as schizophrenia by demonstrating its symptoms and their occurrences. It will discuss the causes of this type of psychological disorder and possible diagnostic together treatments mechanisms of this kind of disease. Schizophrenia is aRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1077 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Schizophrenias is a serious mental illness characterized by incoherent or illogical thoughts, bizarre behavior and speech, and delusions or hallucinations, such as hearing voices (APA,2015). I choose to touch on the topic of schizophrenia because I always been interested the topic itself. The one thing I wondered is if there are different stages of schizophrenia and why it may be hard to diagnose. Schizophrenia is a mental disease that’s very hard to pinpoint in a person, whichRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1210 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction Schizophrenia Symptoms. Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder which is characterized by an inability to distinguish what is real and subsequent abnormal behavior. Literally translating from the Greek skhizein and phrÄ“n meaning ‘split-mind’, schizophrenia is characterized by both positive symptoms, e.g. hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking, and also negative symptoms, e.g. apathy, Anhedonia, and deficits in executive functioning. The Diagnostic and StatisticalRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1153 Words   |  5 Pages 1 / 3 Cindy Tien 3-18-15 Per.6 Schizophrenia What is Schizophrenia? Can you imagine living day by day having to hear and see things that nobody else could? You feel alone, lost and different amongst other normal people. Believe it or not, approximately twenty five million people in America have been impacted by this disease called schizophrenia. What is schizophrenia? Schizophrenia is mental disorder distinguished by disturbances within thought patterns, attention, and emotions. UnfortunatelyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia Essay858 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia Over 2 million Americans suffer with schizophrenia each day. A vast majority of people diagnosed with schizophrenia suffer from hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, and disorganized speech. Hallucinations are sensory experiences in the absence of external stimulation; therefore, people with schizophrenia may see people or things that are not really there and may even hold conversions or have relationships with these â€Å"people†. Delusions are false beliefs about reality. Someone withRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1569 Words   |  7 Pagesmental health professionals, Jaime was confirmed to have paranoid schizophrenia. Jaime was immediately put on antipsychotic medication, and after about 3 months of taking that medication, he started attending psychological treatment. He has been continuing with both procedures for about a year. Today, his medication dose has lowered and he has shown much improvement compared to when he first was diagnosed. Introduction Positive symptoms are behaviors that aren t seen in healthy people, people whoRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1049 Words   |  5 Pages The Effects of Schizophrenia Madison M. Sulak Dr. Linstrum PSYCH 2301 East Texas Baptist University Fall 2015 Pg. 1 A brain disorder can be triggered by multiple different things such as a stroke, abnormal growths, any type of viral infection, or cancer. There are countless types of brain disorders that people are diagnosed with daily. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, â€Å"Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected peopleRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1430 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Schizophrenia is very complex and â€Å"startling disorder characterized by a broad range of cognitive and emotional dysfunctions† (Barlow Durand, 2015, p. 477). It can greatly impact a person’s life in a negative manner: affecting physical, emotional, relational, and occupational health. The National Institute of Mental Health defines schizophrenia as a â€Å"chronic and severe disorder that affects how a person, think, feels, and acts† (National Institute of Mental Health, n.d., para. 1).

Notes Apush free essay sample

Civilizations of America-prmarily small nomadic bands. Primitive agriculture. Hunting fishing. Incas-powerful empire of 6 million. Complex political system very sophisticated culture. Located in south and central America. Never had any system of writing or paper. Aztec-very advanced, located in lower and middle Mexico. Civilizations of the North. Never one large civilization but lots of little ones. Many different tribes. Includes Eskimos, tribes of pacific northwest, far west. Some tribes were based on fishing. Agriculture of northeast was slash and burn technique. Many of the tribes living east of the mississipi river lins by language roots. Largest language group was Algonquin tribes, which lived along atlantic seaboard from Canada to Virginia. The iroquis confederation in upstate new york was elaborately organized in mid 15th century. 5 nations- Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk. Also linked with cheerokees and Tuscaoras in Carolinas and Georgia. Third largest language group was the tibes of southernmost eastern seaboard. We will write a custom essay sample on Notes Apush or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Chickasaws, chocataws, creeks and sminoles. Little or no alliacneces between tribes. Europeans almost unaware of Americas. Europe was small and tightly closed and provincial. Two changes caused Europe to look to new lands; Black Death and its subsequent population rebound which lead to new growth in commerce and prosperity. Interest in new markets grew. Rise of commerce included rise of new governments. In western areas of Europe, pope and roman catholic church authority was weak and new monarchs rose to create nation states with armies and courts and tax systems. Europe needed new faster route to asia. First was portugese, Prince Henery the navigator. Christopher Columbus, of Genova Italy. Asked Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain monarchy for sponsership. Was given the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria and 90 men. Found the Bahamas and Cuba at first, believeing they were Japan and China. America named after Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine merchant and member of the later Portugese expedititon. He wrote vivid descriptions of the new continent. Due to Columbus’ explorations, Spain devoted itself to marine exploration. Vasco de Balboa was the first European to cross the isthmus of panama. Spain claimed the whole new world except for brazil, claimed by the portugese. The early Spanish colonists settled on the island of the carribian with little luck in riches. In 1518, Hernando Cortes led 600 men into Mexico and met the Aztecs and attacked. Their military attack had little result but they exposed the Aztecs to smallpox, killing many. Cortes was one of the most brutal conquistedors. He found silver and many Spaniards desenceded in search of silver. The Spanish almost exterminated the natives. The history of the Spanish empire spanned 3 periods. The age of discovery, the age of conquistadors, and age of expansion and colonization. Spain created a religion based culture and made many catholic missions. These missions extended through the south and central Americas, mexico and into the south and southwest present united states. The Spanish fort made in 1565 at st. Augustine, florida, became the first European settlement in the present united states. It served as a military outpost, administrative center for missionaries and headquaters for unsuccessful campaigns against natives. In 1598, don juan de onate traveld north from mexico with 500 men and claimed for spain the lands of the pueblo Indians. The migrants established a colony in what is now new mexico. They founded santa fe in 1609. Onate’s harsh treatment, demanding tributes for example, threatened the stability fo the colony and led to his removal as govoner in 1606. Many pueblo Indians converted to Christianity under the Spanish missionaries and entered trade agreements with spainish. In 1680 the colony was nearly destroyed when pueblos rose in revolt. An Indian religious leader named Pope lead an uprising, killin many white settlers. Spain then worked harder to assimilate the natives with chritianity, and also began to treat them more respectfully, allowing them to own land and practice tribe rituals. By the end of the 16th century, the Spanish empire was one of the largest in the history of the world. Included island of the carribian and the coastal areas of the south Americas. It extended to mexico and southern North America. Most of all, the empire spread south and west. However, it was very different from the colonial empire that would be established in the early 17th century. The earliest Spanish settlement were largely free of the crown, by the end of the 16th century, the monarchy had extended its authority directly into the local communities. The Spanish were far more successful in extracting gold and silver but were less concentrated on agriculture and commerce for their colonies. There was rigid commercial policies and stifiled the economic development of the Spanish areas of the new world. Almost from the beginning, the English, dutch, and French colonies concentrated on establishing a permanent settlment and family life in the new world and outnumbered the natives, while the Spanish ruled their empire but did not people it. The English created a self containted European society, while the Spanish imposed a small ruling class on a larger existing native population.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Belarus Research Paper free essay sample

[pic][pic] Belarus: a country suffering at the hands of its own authoritarian leadership Table of Contents Republic of Belarus’ Overview†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 3 Russia and Belarus: Friend or Foe?. 4 Is Alexander Lukashenko â€Å"Europe’s Last Dictator? † †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 Lukashenko: Political Control†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 Lukashenko: Economic Control†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦6 How can Lukashenko be stopped? In Conclus ion†¦a more peaceful Belarus†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 9 Republic of Belarus’ Overview Belarus is a beautiful country nestled in the heart of Eastern Europe, surrounded by Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine. Belarus is â€Å"landlocked†, meaning it is completely surrounded by land and has no coastline. The CIA World Factbook states that Belarus’ size is slightly smaller than the size of Kansas (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Geography section). The climate is very cold in the winters with cool and moist summers. (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Geography section). These climate conditions are favorable for growing grains, vegetables, fruit trees and potatoes (UN, 2002, About Belarus section). There are more than 100 nationalities represented in Belarus. However, more than 75% of the entire population is native Belarusian. Living among the natives are significant numbers of Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians (UN, 2002, About Belarus section). The two official languages of Belarus are Belarusian and Russian. The religious make-up of Belarus is 80% Eastern Orthodox, with the remaining 20% a combination of Roman Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and Muslim (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Population section). As of July 2010, Belarus’ population was 9,612,632, ranking 87 in the world (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Population section). The capital of Belarus is Minsk, which is the biggest political, economic, scientific, and cultural center of the country (UN, 2002, About Belarus section). The population of Minsk is 1. 729 million people (UN, 2002, About Belarus section), approximately 17. 9% of Belarus’ total population. Belarus was part of the Soviet Union for 70 years, but claimed its independence on August 25, 1991 after the Soviet Union’s collapse. Although it’s independence from Russia was claimed on August 25, 1991, Belarus reserves its national Independence Day as July 3rd, the day Minsk was freed from the German troops. This occurred in 1944, shortly before the end of WWII (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Government section). The conventional long form of the country name is â€Å"Republic of Belarus. † Although republic is in the name, Belarus is in fact a dictatorship (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Government section), as I will discuss in more detail throughout this paper. Russia and Belarus: Friend or Foe? According to About. om (2010), â€Å"Belarus has struggled for decades to establish an internationally recognized identity. Known as Belarussia in Soviet times, the people of Belarus find this name an unpleasant reminder of Russification† (Kubilius, 2010, National Identity section). Since independence, Belarus has chosen to remain politically and economically closer to Russia than any other former Soviet Re publics. However, recent news suggests tensions between Russia and Belarus. First, there was a big debate over natural gas fees and transit fees. Russia’s energy company, Gazprom, was demanding payment for natural gas delivered to Belarus. Belarus was refusing to pay, claiming that Russia owed Belarus transit fees. Russia transports 6. 25 percent of Europe’s natural gas via a pipeline that runs through Belarus (CNN Wire Staff, 2010, para. 6). This issue was recently resolved on June 24, 2010, with both countries finally settling the monetary difference. CNN quotes, â€Å"If unresolved, the payment dispute could have threatened Europe’s energy supplies† (CNN Wire Staff, 2010, para. 9). Russia supplies Belarus with over 50% of its foreign trade volume (UN, 2002, About Belarus section). If tensions do not ease or even become worse, Belarus will find itself in an undesirable economic position. On July 31, 2010, The New York Times reported the latest conflict between Russia and Belarus. A documentary depicting the Belarussian President, Alexander Lukashenko in an extremely negative light was released from Russia’s government-controlled television. The film suggests similarities between Lukashenko and Hitler and Stalin. The â€Å"mudslinging† as the article stated, which has been blasted all over both countries’ government–controlled media, â€Å"reflects the deepening tensions between them† (Schwirtz, 2010: para. ). In addition, several Belarussian opposition leaders met with Russian officials in June 2010. This could be damaging to Lukashenko in next year’s presidential elections. Is Alexander Lukashenko â€Å"Europe’s Last Dictator? † (BBC News, 2010, page 1) As I began my research on Belarus and the issues it faces, I found myself looking for the types of problems most countries face; issues such as national debt, crime, and theft. I was essentially looking for the biggest problem this country has and was going to provide suggestions on ways to fix said problem. What I found was much more disturbing than the â€Å"typical† economic, political, or social issue. I believe the problems of this country are actually caused by the President who swore to serve and protect it. Alexander Lukashenko is a bit of a high powered bully, which may be a staggering understatement. During his reign of sixteen years, he has managed to completely isolate the country and has been very successful at one thing: looking out for his own interests. The more I read, the more I became absolutely disgusted that his behavior has not only been tolerated, but actually encouraged by some. Lukashenko: Political Control Alexander Lukashenko was nominated in 1994 as Belarus’ first President. His presidential term should have lasted five years, but in 1996, he extended his term to 2001 with a referendum. He won an additional five years in the 2001 election, which Western observers have called â€Å"undemocratic† (BBC News, 2010, para. 15). Yet another referendum in 2004 lifted the two year rule, which allowed him to run again in 2006. There was considerable outrage when he won the 2006 election with over 80% of the votes. Lukashenko is very controlling and went to great lengths to prevent losing the election. Lukashenko denied the opposition access to state-owned media so they could not advertise or campaign against him. In 2004, he even went so far as to send his biggest potential rival to jail (About. com, 2010: para. 2). After his 2006 landslide win, people became very angry and began protesting. â€Å"About 10,000 people braved a heavy snow storm, freezing temperatures and threat of government reprisals to show their support for the opposition† (BBC News, 2006: para. 7). They called Lukashenko’s victory â€Å"complete farce† and demanded new, honest elections. Belarussian police ended up sending more than 150 opposition protesters to jail. A runner up in the election was one of the jailed and was said to be facing six years. He complains of back and knee pain from alleged beatings by the police. One woman was filmed being beaten by officers, while another protestor was left bl eeding on the ground (BBC News, 2006: para. 15). A polish diplomat was also jailed. The United States and European Union imposed sanctions on Belarus, which included a travel ban against Lukashenko. Canada even decided to limit its official relations with Belarus and demanded the release of a Quebec journalist, who was also jailed, while in Belarus to cover the demonstrations in Minsk (BBC News, 2006: para. 13-14). Lukashenko: Economic Control According to BBC News, Lukashenko has ruled Belarus with an â€Å"increasingly iron fist† (BBC News, 2010: para. 3) over the past sixteen years. He wants to control everything, including businesses. â€Å"Belarus has seen limited structural reform since 1995, when Lukashenko launched the country on the path of market socialism† (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Economy section). Private business does not exist in Belarus as the state has a right to intervene in their management. Ridiculous regulations were put into place making it impossible to conduct business. Rigorous inspections are conducted and â€Å"disruptive† business owners were even arrested (CIA World Factbook, 2010: Economy section). Neither domestic nor foreign companies want to open businesses in Belarus. In 2007, Lukashenko put a new tax law into place that made it even more difficult to run a business. Alexander Makaev, a small shop owner says â€Å"Belarus is closed for business. Everything is designed according to a vertical power structure. The biggest businessman in this country is Mr. Lukashenko himself, and you need to know how to cut a deal with him† (BBC News, 2009: para. 11). Media is another arena which Lukashenko controls. If you are state owned, Belarus provides subsidies and other financial privileges. However, private media groups received increased charges, forced to change names, close down, or publish elsewhere (BBC News, 2010: para. 15). He even made it mandatory that 75% of music played on radio stations should be Belarussian. How can Lukashenko be stopped? At her Senate confirmation hearings, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said â€Å"To be sure, in our world there remain outposts of tyranny – and America stands with oppressed people on every continent – in Cuba, and Burma, and North Korea, and Iran, and Belarus, and Zimbabwe† (Porter, 2010: para. 4). The dictionary defines tyranny as: â€Å"arbitrary, unreasonable, or despotic behavior or use of authority. † The key word, in my opinion, is unreasonable. Mr. Lukashenko is simply unreasonable. The million dollar question is: how can you reason with an extremely unreasonable person? He has thus far shown no sign of loosening his grip of his oppressed peoples. In 2007, the UN rejected Belarus’ bid for a seat on the Human Rights Council. The global advocacy director for Human Rights Watch, Peggy Hicks, said, â€Å"voting ‘no’ to Belarus sends the message that abusive governments have no place on the UN Human Rights Council† (Human Rights Watch, 2007: para. 3). Belarus now has to open itself to monitoring by UN human rights experts, who he has denied in the past. This may be a good thing for the people of Belarus. Although I have never believed violence to be the answer under any circumstance, this dictator seems to leave no choice. But since an assassination is simply out of the question, being that it is morally, ethically, and politically wrong, we must come up with alternatives. It has been proved by the Filipino people in 1986 that it is possible to overthrow a dictator in a completely non-violent fashion. Millions, yes, millions took to the streets in non-violent protest. President Marcos was overthrown in less than four days (Hogan, 2003: para. 6). The people had had enough and they gathered and stood together. The Ukrainian people also used the non-violent strategy during the Orange Revolution in 2005 (Wikipedia, n. d. : para. 1). Thousands of protesters demonstrated daily, while others chose series of acts of civil disobedience, sit-ins, and general strikes. Similarly, the Kyrgyz people overthrew their dictator during their non-violent â€Å"Tulip Revolution†. All three of the countries mentioned above had just participated in an election where the dictator president won. The election win was simply the last straw of rage for the people of the country. They were completely fed up with living under a dictator’s thumb. Lukashenko’s next presidential election is next year. His oppressed people need to start now if they want to be ready to fight for their freedom. The important thing, with regard to any undertaking, is to create a powerful resistance. Since most communication sources are controlled by the government, they will need to rely on word of mouth to recruit additional resources. They need to make sure everyone knows the plan and understands it, and be ready to implement. One or two of the most influential leaders of the opposition should contact the UN and elicit their assistance. Secondly, create a strategic plan. Map out what each person will do and where they will be. Lastly, you need to strengthen the oppressed people. The violence of the 2006 protests will more than likely prevent some people from wanting to take part. Remind them of what they are fighting for†¦and spark the passion for a strong revolution. In Conclusion†¦a more peaceful Belarus The West has been pressuring Lukashenko to change, but he just turns his back to it. He has dismissed all possibilities of revolutions, such as the ones that saved Kyrgyzstan and neighbor Ukraine. Following the protest after the 2006 election, Lukashenko â€Å"warned he will not tolerate any attempt at a â€Å"coup† and has vowed to â€Å"break the neck – like a duckling’s† of anyone who tries to seize power† (BBC News, 2006: para. 13). This statement has probably dissuaded many of the protesters from future involvement. But it should only motivate them to try again, try harder. Lukashenko needs to be stopped. The people of Belarus are essentially prisoners without bars. They are robbed of any freedoms. These wonderful people should be able to enjoy the freedoms we possess, freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. They should be able to feel safe in their beds at night and safe to disagree with something without the government inflicting harm on them. In short, Belarus needs to be liberated! References BBC News (2006). Belarus jails Lukashenko’s foes. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from BBC News: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/4852130. stm BBC News (2006). Belarus protests spark clashes. Retrieved July 31, 2010, from BBC News: http://news. bc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/4843690. stm BBC News (2006). Landslide win for Belarus leader. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from BBC News: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/4823800. stm BBC News (2009). Belarus and Europe inch closer. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from BBC News: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/8037923. stm BBC News (2010). Belarus country profile. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from BBC News: http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/europe/country_profiles/1102180. stm Central Intelligence Agency (2010). The World Factbook: Belarus. Retrieved July 28, 2010 from CIA – The World Factbook: https://www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bo. html CNN Wire Staff (2010). Belarus settles bill with Russian energy giant. Retrieved July 28, 2010 from CNN. com: http://edition. cnn. com/2010/WORLD/europe/06/23/russia. belarus. gas/index. html? iref=all search#fbid=sEOFqI8sly9 CNN Wire Staff (2010). Russia pays Belarus for Europe gas transit. Retrieved July 28, 2010 from CNN. com: http://edition. cnn. com/2010/WORLD/europe/06/24/russia. belarus. gas/index. html? iref=allsearch#fbid=sEOFqI8sly9 Hogan, H. 2003). Can non-violence overthrow an oppressive dictator? Retrieved August 1, 2010 from HunterThinks. com: http://www. hunterthinks. com/politics/history/philippines. html Human Rights Watch (2007). UN: â€Å"No† to Belarus on Rights Council. Retrieved August 1, 2010 from Human Rights Watch: http://www. hrw. org/en/news/2007/05/16/un-no-belarus- rights-council Kaminsky, R. (2005). Falling domi noes: Kyrgyz people overthrow their dictator. Retrieved August 1, 2010 from Global Politician: http://www. globalpolitician. com/2490-kyrgyz Kubilius, K. (n. d. ). Eastern Europe Travel: Belarus. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from About. com: http://goeasteurope. about. com/od/othercountries/p/belarusprofile. htm Porter, K. (n. d. ). The U. S. -Belarussian relationship. Retrieved July 28, 2010 from About. com: http://usforeignpolicy. about. com/od/countryprofil2/p/usbelarus. htm Schwirtz, M. (2010). In information war, documentary is latest salvo. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from The New York Times: http://www. nytimes. com/2010/08/01/world/europe/01russia. html United Nations (2002). About Belarus. Retrieved July 31, 2010 from United Nations:

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sample Essays With Explanation and Details

Sample Essays With Explanation and DetailsIn order to write a very professional essay in a hurry, you have to ensure that you use sample essays with an explanation and details. To be able to make your work even more challenging, you have to make sure that your essay is much more impressive, it will be far better if you find a copy of a very good essay with an explanation and details.There are several sources of samples of sample essays. You can also use the internet in order to find out the free sample essay. Many websites also have some articles with sample essays.The essay you use should be quite long and should include numerous details in order to get an idea of how you can write a very impressive essay. The last thing you want to do is forget about the formatting, because this will certainly affect the quality of your essay, and the rest will be left for you to edit and shape.Remember that when you compose an essay, it is very important that you choose a topic that you have the b est understanding of. In other words, choose a topic that you feel is interesting, but is also related to your study.If you are a humanities student, this is an important fact to remember. You should focus your essay on a topic related to the field of study. It will certainly help you write an essay that will be more impressive and more relevant to what you have to say.When you compile your sample essays, it is essential that you pick those essays that contain some sort of special feature. These may be writing tips, a new topic that is a bit of a surprise, or one that you have just developed.It is extremely important that you give each essay a proper review in order to make sure that you understand everything that you have written. Remember that you are making a final decision, so make sure that you are making the right decision. This is the only way to ensure that you get the right level of success and finish your essay with an impressive level of skill.

Evaluation of Strategic Planning

Strategy is the course and level that an organization tends to pursue over a given time so that it can achieve competitive advantage over its competitors. Such organization has to use the available resources to meet the continuous market needs and even satisfy the expectations of its stakeholders.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluation of Strategic Planning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Markides 2004, strategy means making difficult decisions on a few activities. A company must define the parameters under which they base their decisions. On the other hand, strategy can mean, moulding of available resources within a firm in a specified direction in order to achieve success (Mintzberg 1987, p. 68). A clear image of the strategy must be revealed to ensure effectiveness of the strategy. Kathlene Eisenhart upholds that a strategy is a limited structure that outlines the path in which a firm will fo llow and expect to maintain in the future (Eisenhardt 1997). The operation level involves activities that the firm should engage in when in the market. The course is the direction that the business ought to take in the long-term (Zitani 1985). The resources are the skills, technocrats, finances, facilities, and assets that a firm requires in order to compete while those who have interests in the running of the business either directly or indirectly are the stakeholders. Stakeholders can be either internal or external. Additionally, there are three levels of strategies namely: corporate, business-unit and operational strategy. Operational strategy involves the organization of each part of the business to deliver the business-unit and corporate levels. This level deals with people, internal and external resources amongst others. The business-unit strategy, however, deals with the choice of products, customers’ needs, adventuring into new markets, and gaining competitive advanta ge over the competitors (The Strategic Planning Process 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Lastly, corporate strategy is the essential level as it encompasses the overall business scope and even guides the business decision-making procedures. On the other hand, strategic planning entails the attempt of defining or shaping the future. In addition, one has to develop a clear structure of the desired destination and expectation (Definition of strategic planning 2012). Therefore, an organization has to define its vision, goals, tactics, and objectives. Businesses have to forecast into the future in order to remain relevant and successful in the future and present dynamic market. Moreover, these firms have to evaluate both their internal and external abilities that can enable them stay on track and achieve their targets. As a result, this process calls for decision-making. Su ch decisions may change the entire management process of a company, alters the relations among stakeholders, organization’s strategic partners, competitive ability of the company, or radical changes in the government policies. Strategic planning quantifies the greatest asset a company should possess. It dictates public sentiment concerning an organization alongside combining essentials of employment and administration. It also entails working with people by appreciating the difference in individual skills and capabilities to achieve the organizational goals. For a company to attain recognition, it requires a functional system that allocates human resource astutely and economically considering relevant acquaintance, expertise, and aptitudes. An effective human resource plan considers long-term goals of the company and implements strategies achievable within the given period. Strategy, therefore, involves effective and efficient use of resources thereby bringing a firm to its d esired future (Stone 2011).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluation of Strategic Planning specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Decision-making is a significant activity that faces organizations in their daily operations. Notably, when so many issues that require decision-making prop up, the HRM’s efficiency is reduced; as a result, pressure develops. This situation leads to stressful life; it becomes dominant when the management postpones decision-making activities (Eisenhardt 1997). In case a problem requires the attention of another department; the management should direct the issue to that department immediately. This will help to avoid procrastination in decision-making. For organizations to ensure success in their operations, they must ensure that they employ rational decision-making procedures in formulating their strategies (Definition of strategic planning 2012). In addition, businesses ought to be proactive and remain focussed on achieving their strategic objectives; therefore, the organizations must be open to learn new ideas to develop new knowledge. Strategic planning entails environmental scanning and benchmarking, which involve internal and external collection of data that help to show trends, expectations, and future changes in the business field (Stone 2011). Under the SWOT analysis, the internal analysis involves the strengths and weaknesses while the external analysis involves the opportunities and threats. On the internal perspective, the company analyzes the nature of their operations, financial managements, and personnel outputs. On the external perspective, however, a firm studies its product reception in the market, economics factors both nationwide and globally and customers’ satisfaction. It terms of duration, environmental scanning can be initiated for a shot period, long period, or continuous review.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Business strategies should be focusing on the trends, relationships, and events in an organization. After the forecast, the company can come up with responses that can help in improving their position in the future. Organizations, therefore, should adapt to their environment since environmental scanning is an essential mode of organizational learning. It involves a detailed analysis of the internal and external parameters that can affect the operations of a business. In scanning, there is a deep analysis of the stakeholders’ views and expected behaviours. This makes it possible for organizations to lay out strategies and plans on how to handle the scenarios. Therefore, they become alert to deal with any unexpected changes in the internal and external environment (Conway 2009). Businesses ought to perform the above function in order to have a clear roadmap of where they are headed. Presently, most firms include Information and Communication Technology in the environmental scan ning process since it facilitates the whole process. Strategic planning for future occurrences assists businesses in making decisions, which could have proved difficult to make at the time of the actual action. Environmental scanning and benchmarking provides a business with varied options and broad vision on how to deal with future challenges. Another instance involves predetermination of customers’ possibilities of change in tastes and preferences in the future; it makes the firm avoid undergoing unnecessary costs but remains active in the market (Organizational Learning – Maintaining the Competitive Advantage n.d.). The strategy, therefore, upholds the trust and confidence of the customers and stakeholders to an organization thus increasing the lifespan of the firm. The constant changing market trends demands personnel that are able to adopt changes at any instance. This culture of accepting new ideas as they come makes firms remain vibrant among their competitors. Currently, organizations should ensure that they keep their employees updated on any occurrence that can have some impact on the running of their operations. A deep evaluation of a company’s strategy makes a company to identify its current position in the market; for instance, if it is losing its attractiveness among its competitors. Therefore, employees should be trained to learn the art of sharing any information that they have, and they think can affect the business operations in any way (Sandie 2011). Undoubtedly, firms that continuously hold learning programs have a competitive advantage over other firms. In addition, employees who constantly undergo through organizational learning process remain focused in achieving the firm’s strategic objectives given that they are reminded of the business goals at all times. The increased competition position in the global market assures firms of their survival in the constantly changing market. Further, strategic planning ena bles firms to foresee the changes in the customers’ tastes and preferences thus altering their products to suit their needs. Some of the parameters that firms must consider are the customers to target and those not to target, the types of products or services that they should offer the targeted customers and the procedure of achieving the set goals. The firms can also increase their market share by offering products at a low price with a low cost of production, which are different from their competitors (Markides 2004, p. 6). This option helps to accommodate the low earning population who desire to consume the products but could not afford the high prices. This forecasting, therefore, can instil confidence in the stakeholders hence increasing their investment values or bases in the firm. On the other front, the customers’ loyalty is increased as they feel assured of the future business existence through the strategic planning. Another parameter that benefits a company is the ability of a strategy to be flexible to any environmental change. This parameter makes a strategy not to backfire in case of drastic market changes. Therefore, effective strategies identify the environment in advance and must be ready culturally to be embraced by the change. Apart from the numerous benefits of strategic planning, there are also some limitations/weaknesses of SP. First, the mechanism cannot predict the future changes in the market conditions; for instance, there can be a drastic change in social issues or economics like unexpected terrorism and hurricanes. This shows that the future cannot be predicted with certainty. Additionally, it becomes difficult to carry out business forecasting in an environment that is characterized with rapid changes. The second shortcoming of SP is the inability to focus on short-term goals/targets. However, investors are interested on short-term results of a firm. In this manner, SP creates short-term losses so that it can create l ong term-value for the firm. This trend can lead to a low business liquidity thus resulting to insolvency. For example, Working Capital Management helps to avoid business bankruptcy. Proper management of the working capital will enable the business to have sufficient capital so that it can pay its debts as they become due as it makes profit in the process (Bryson Einsweiler 1988). Strategic working capital policies should ensure that the firm will be able to be profitable even during a financial crisis. This calls for inclusion of both short and long-term goals in the SP process. A deep focus on the future expectation on business operations can help improve the management of working capital. This may involve reducing production costs but still maintaining sales level. It may also entail examining future debts and expenditures in a well-planned balance of current assets and current liabilities (Strategic Planning n.d). A thorough management of credit facilities like allowing discoun ts for prompt payments, establishing credit terms and standards alongside proper planning on cash management is realized through a properly managed working capital. Moreover, SP discourages innovation and different alternatives. Such plans may inhibit changes thereby discouraging disrupting alternatives. Nevertheless, firms ought to tap and retain talents that are within their premises for their own benefit. Firms that have well-coordinated Knowledge Management (KM) in their strategies avert scenarios of repeating past mistakes. KM provides organization with new ideas on how to navigate the dynamic market; therefore, increasing their response time during the tough financial times (Eisenhardt 1997). The firms will also be able to predetermine the taste and preference trend of their customers in the future. This they can do by studying the past trends of product purchases and use them to forecast into the future. In this situation, the business will be able to produce only the correct volume of goods that will fit their customers thus preventing wastage and unnecessary expenses. This will translate to more profit for the company; more profits imply continuous growth and expansion of services into the market. Noticeably, effective KM has immense returns to any business organization. In addition, SP disregards intuition/perceptions instead, regard already obtainable â€Å"hard† data. SP also assumes that all goals can be moulded into one single objective. Organizations should be opportunistic planners in approaching strategic planning as this will increase their flexibility and openness in altering the SP process (Limitation in Strategic Planning n.d.). Therefore, external forces will be handled effectively through opportunistic decision-making. Apart from flexibility, the management should encourage active participation of all departments during SP so that everyone can own the process. In addition, organizations should plan as facilitators. Organizations s hould also inculcate environmental flexibility when designing strategies. This will enable the strategy to survive in case of market changes. In their approach, organizations should ensure that their SP’s stand the tests of time. References Bryson, J. M Einsweiler, R. C 1988, Strategic planning threats and opportunities for planners, Planners Press: American Planning Association, Chicago. Conway, M 2009, Environmental Scanning: Slideshare. Web. Definition of strategic planning 2012, Strategic Planning to Improve Organizational Performance. Web. Eisenhardt, K 1997, ‘Strategic Decisions and all that Jazz’, Business Strategy Review, vol. 8 no. 3, pp. 50 – 91. Markides, C 2004, ‘What is strategy and how do you know if you have one?’, Business Strategy Review, vol. 15 no. 2, pp. 6 – 11. Mintzberg, H 1987, ‘Crafting Strategy’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 7, pp. 66 – 75. Organizational Learning – Maintaining the C ompetitive Advantage n.d., Management Study Guide – Free Training Guide for Students and Entrepreneurs. Web. Sandie, B 2011, Learning 2.0 – Creating a Competitive Advantage for Your Company: aim. Web. Stone, R. J 2011, Human Resource Management (7th ed.), John Wiley and Sons, Brisbane. Strategic Planning n.d., Logical Framework Specialists. Web. The Strategic Planning Process 2010, QuickMBA: Strategy. Web. Zitani, A. M 1985, Strategic planning in the public sector: prospects and limitations, Cornell University Publishers, New York. This essay on Evaluation of Strategic Planning was written and submitted by user Maddox K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.