Tuesday, January 28, 2020

4P Marketing Essay Example for Free

4P Marketing Essay hese are the basic elements of the MARKETING PLAN for any business. PRODUCTThe business has to produce a product that people want to buy. They have to decide which market segment they are aiming at age, income, geographical location etc. They then have to differentiate their product so that it is slightly different from what is on offer at present so that people can be persuaded to give them a try. PROMOTIONCustomers have to be made aware of the product. The two main considerations are target market and cost. A new business will not be able to afford to advertise on national television, for instance and would not wish to because its market will be local to start with. Leaflets, billboards, advertisements in local newspapers, Yellow Pages and word of mouth would be more appropriate. PRICEThe price must be high enough to cover costs and make a profit but low enough to attract customers. There are a number of possible pricing strategies. The most commonly used are PENETRATION PRICING charging a low price, possibly not quite covering costs, to gain a position in the market. This is quite popular with new businesses trying to get a toehold. CREAMING the opposite to penetration pricing, this involves charging a deliberately high price to persuade people that the product is of high quality. Luxury car makers often use this strategy COST PLUS PRICING this is the most common form of pricing. Costs are totalled and a margin is added on for profit to make the total price. PLACEThe business must have a location that it can afford, and that is convenient and suitable for customers and any supplier. The Marketing mix is a set of four decisions which need to be taken before launching any new product. These variables are also known as the 4 Ps of marketing. These four variables help the firm in making strategic decisions necessary for the smooth running of any product / organization.These variables are Product

Monday, January 20, 2020

Free Essays - Importance of the Houses in The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays

Importance of the Houses in The Awakening In Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening, Edna's two different houses symbolize her life greatly. Her first house, the mansion of which she shared with her husband, symbolized her life before she started to awaken and realize the kind of life she was in. Her second house, the pigeon house of which she lived in alone, shows her life after she starts to awaken and realize what is going on with her life and that she was not happy before. These two houses show very strong meaning of a before and after of her awakening. As the novel starts out Edna is a housewife to her husband, Mr. Pontellier, and is not necessarily unhappy or depressed but knows something is missing. Her husband does not treat her well. "...looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage." She is nothing but a piece of property to him; he has no true feelings for her and wants her for the sole purpose of withholding his reputation. "He reproached his wife with her inattention, her habitual neglect of the children. If it was not a mother's place to look after children, whose on earth was it?" Mr. Pontellier constantly brings her down for his own satisfaction not caring at all how if affects Edna. Unfortunately Edna has no clue that she is being treated so poorly in the beginning of this story. With Mr. Pontellier being absent from home so often she finds plenty of time to spend with Robert. Through the whole summer she does not realize the feelings she is developing for Robert and only sees him as a friend. She enjoys spending all of her free time with him and gets along with him much better than her husband. It is not until she is back home and Robert leaves for Mexico that she starts to "awaken" and realize her true feelings not just for Robert but also for life in general. At first Edna only misses Robert greatly and wonders why he never writes her like he promised he would. She does get to read letters in which Robert has sent others instead of her. Free Essays - Importance of the Houses in The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays Importance of the Houses in The Awakening In Kate Chopin's novel The Awakening, Edna's two different houses symbolize her life greatly. Her first house, the mansion of which she shared with her husband, symbolized her life before she started to awaken and realize the kind of life she was in. Her second house, the pigeon house of which she lived in alone, shows her life after she starts to awaken and realize what is going on with her life and that she was not happy before. These two houses show very strong meaning of a before and after of her awakening. As the novel starts out Edna is a housewife to her husband, Mr. Pontellier, and is not necessarily unhappy or depressed but knows something is missing. Her husband does not treat her well. "...looking at his wife as one looks at a valuable piece of personal property which has suffered some damage." She is nothing but a piece of property to him; he has no true feelings for her and wants her for the sole purpose of withholding his reputation. "He reproached his wife with her inattention, her habitual neglect of the children. If it was not a mother's place to look after children, whose on earth was it?" Mr. Pontellier constantly brings her down for his own satisfaction not caring at all how if affects Edna. Unfortunately Edna has no clue that she is being treated so poorly in the beginning of this story. With Mr. Pontellier being absent from home so often she finds plenty of time to spend with Robert. Through the whole summer she does not realize the feelings she is developing for Robert and only sees him as a friend. She enjoys spending all of her free time with him and gets along with him much better than her husband. It is not until she is back home and Robert leaves for Mexico that she starts to "awaken" and realize her true feelings not just for Robert but also for life in general. At first Edna only misses Robert greatly and wonders why he never writes her like he promised he would. She does get to read letters in which Robert has sent others instead of her.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Gas Diffusion Essay

OBJECTIVES: Determine the gas diffusion coefficient of acetone using the established Winkelmann’s method KEYWORDS Diffusivity, Gas Diffusion Coefficient, Winkelmann’s method OVERVIEW The knowledge of physical and chemical properties of certain materials is important because very often process engineering deal with the transformation and distribution of these materials in bulk. One such property is diffusivity. Mass transfer by diffusion takes place when there is a concentration gradient of the diffusing component. Naturally, the diffusion in gas phase is much faster than the diffusion in liquid phase due to the small spaces between the molecules that hinder other molecule movement. Other factors that will effect the diffusion are temperature, density, concentration and other external factors. 1. INTRODUCTION This experiment has been designed for students experiment on the technique of determining diffusivity of the vapor of a volatile liquid based on the established Winkelmann’s method. In this method the volatile liquid is allowed to evaporate in a vertical glass tube over the top of which a stream of vapor-free gas is passed. A water bath is provided for maintaining a steady temperature so that there is no eddy current in the vertical tube and mass transfer takes place from the surface by molecular diffusion alone. The rate of evaporation can be followed by the rate of fall of the liquid surface. A traveling microscope is provided for determining, the liquid fall. With the knowledge of the concentration gradient, the diffusivity of  the vapor of the volatile liquid can then be calculated. 2.THEORY When a concentration gradient exists within a fluid consisting of two or more components, there is a tendency for each constituent to flow in such a direction as to reduce the concentration gradient. This is called mass transfer. Mass transfer takes place in either a gas phase or a liquid phase or in both simultaneously. When a liquid is allowed to evaporate in a narrow vertical tube and a steady temperature is maintained, mass transfer takes place from the surface by molecular diffusion alone. This is the technique developed by Winkelmann to determine the diffusivity of the vapor of a volatile liquid. By monitoring the evaporation rate, which is the rate of fall of liquid surface, and with the knowledge of concentration gradient, one may then calculate the diffusivity. The rate of mass transfer is given by: (1) where, D=diffusivity [m2/s] CA=saturation concentration at interface [kmol/m3] L=effective distance of mass transfer [m] CT=total molar concentration [kmol/m3] CBm=logarithmic mean value of CB [kmol/m3] Considering the evaporation of the liquid: (2) where, L=density of liquid [kg/m3] M=molecular weight [kg/kmol] Combining equations 1 and 2 we get, (3) Integrating and putting L = L0 at t = 0: (4) Values of L0 or L will not be measured accurately but accurate values of (L – L0) are available. Thus, rearranging equation 4: or,(5) A plot of t/ against will give a slope s: (6) Diffusivity D can then be calculated from equation 6: 3.START UP AND SHUT- DOWN PROCEDURES 3.1Start-up Procedure Prior to running an experiment, students are advised to perform the following start-up procedure: 1.Fill the water bath with clean (preferably filtered) water to approximately 30 mm from the top. 2.Plug the mains cable to the electrical supply. Be sure that the voltage of the supply is correct to suit the equipment. 3.Switch on the main power on the control panel. 4.Adjust the set-point value on the temperature controller to 50  °C. Warning!!Do not set the temperature controller beyond 70  °C. 5.Switch on the heater. Observe the water temperature heats up to 50  °C and remains constant. 6.Switch on the air pump. Adjust the needle valve so that a steady low velocity of air stream is detected at the end of the flexible tubing. 7.The equipment is now ready for student experiment. b)Priming Procedure for the Capillary Tube Before using the capillary tube in an experiment using acetone, students are advised to clean the inside of the tube. 1.Prepare a weak solution of detergent. 2.Use a Hirschmann pipette to fill the tube with the solution. Tapping the outside of the tube may be necessary if the solution is trapped and does not flow down. 3.Turn the tube upside-down and shake. Empty the tube. 4.Repeat steps 2 to 3 with acetone. 5. The tube is now ready for student experiment. c)Shut-down Procedure After the completion of an experiment, students are advised to shut down the equipment as follows: 1.Switch off the heater and air pump. 2.Adjust the set-point value of the temperature controller to approximately 5 degree below the room temperature. 3.Allow the water to cool down until it is safe to touch. Open the drain valve and empty the water tank. 4.Detach the flexible tubing and clean the capillary tube for next use. (Refer to priming procedure) 5.Switch off the main power. Unplug the main cable if the equipment will not be used for a long period. 4.EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 1. Perform the start-up procedure as outlined in section 3. 2.Initially switch off the air pump. 3.Partially fill the capillary tube with acetone to a depth of about 35 mm. 4.Carefully insert the capillary tube through the fitting on top of the water bath cover. Do not over-tighten the fitting. 5.Observe the initial level of acetone through the microscope. Record the level in the table. 6.Connects the flexible tubing from the air pump line to one end of the capillary tube. Switch on the air pump. 7.After 10 minutes, switch off the air pump. Disconnect the flexible tubing and detach the capillary tube from the fitting. Observe and record the level of the acetone. 8. Repeat steps 5 to 6 at 10 minutes intervals. 9. Record the time, acetone level and liquid fall in the table below. 5.0RESULT Time, t (ks) Level of Acetone, L (mm) Liquid Fall (L – L0) (mm) t/(L – L0) (ks/mm) 6.0TUTORIALS 6.1 Plot t/ against. Determine gas diffusivity, D from the obtained slope, s. Attached all of your calculation at the appendix in the experiment report. 6.2 Compare the experimental value with the theoretical value that can be predicted from empirical equations (e.g. modified Maxwell’s equation by Gilliland). 6.3 Discuss the factors that effect the diffusion of acetone from the graph that have been plotted. 6.4 Base on objective of the experiment and the theory in gas diffusion makes a conclusion from your finding. 7.0 SAFETY AND MAINTENANCE General Safety Procedure 1.Always read and understand the manual properly before attempting to operate the equipment. 2.Always wear proper attire during laboratory session. It is highly recommended that eye protection and gloves are used. 3.Be careful when handling hazardous material. Always refer to the material safety data sheet. Avoid inhaling in great amount any hazardous material. 4.Avoid any spillage onto electrical components to prevent electrical shock. 5.Avoid touching hot surfaces (e.g. heater) to prevent skin burn. 6.Always conduct experiment in a properly ventilated room. General Maintenance Procedure 1.Do not operate the equipment if any of the components is found to be faulty. Consult the instructor for assistance. 2.Disconnect the equipment from electrical supply when not in use. 3.Drain the water from the water bath. 4.Clean the water bath thoroughly after use. Values for Calculation: 1. Ï  L = 760.0 kg/m3 2. M = 58.08 kg/kmol 3. Partial pressure P* = 0.8062 atm 4. where for acetone, CB1=0.0377 kmol/m3 CB2=0.00731 kmol/m3 CA=0.0304 kmol/m3 CT=0.0377kmol/m3

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Issue Of Same Sex Parenting - 1153 Words

Paper Same-Sex Parenting Homosexuality has been a sensitive subject in this society for generations; it has been repelled against and condemned because it is considered to be sin-natured to certain traditions and religions. In the past several years, gay rights have been a controversial topic in many areas of the public and court rooms. More recently, the debate about gays having the right or ability to parent has become an increasingly popular topic, especially with same-sex marriage being legalized. There are typically two ways of thinking about gay parenting: it’s wrong and shouldn’t be accepted or that it’s perfectly sane and should be accepted. While the people who are against same-sex parenting would argue that kids rose by gay parents are more at risk for mental disorders, social, sexual and gender development, depression and other negative effects, studies have shown that this is simply not true. In fact, a number of studies and articles have indicated that there is no negative effect or difference in outcomes between children that are raised by same-sex parents than children raised by heterosexual parents. BACKGROUND According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were approximately 594,000 reported same-sex couple households living in the United States in 2010. Out of the 594,000 same-sex couple households, 115,000 reported having children. Eighty-four percent of these households contained own children of the householder. In comparison, 94 percent of opposite-sexShow MoreRelated Social and Legal Obstacles of Gay and Lesbian Parenting Essay1677 Words   |  7 PagesSocial and Legal Obstacles of Gay and Lesbian Parenting In the last decade there has been a rise in the number of lesbians and gay men forming their own families. Many do this through adoption, foster care, artificial insemination, and other means. Today, researchers have estimated that the number of children living with one gay or lesbian parent is six to fourteen million. Some have described this current period as a lesbian and gay â€Å"baby boom†. However, lesbian and gay parents face many socialRead MoreSame Sex Marriage And Parenting999 Words   |  4 PagesSame-Sex Marriage and Parenting Same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. While I know that I am firmly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I firmly believe that traditional marriage and traditional parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are to me, issuesRead Moreâ€Å"The Changing Reality of the American Family- Same Sex Parenting â€Å" An estimated two million1000 Words   |  4 PagesFamily- Same Sex Parenting â€Å" An estimated two million children are being raised in a single or same sex parent in the United States. The exact number of children raised in this type home cannot be determined due to the secrecy resulting from the stigma associated with homosexuality (Perrin, Siegel 3). Families of same sex parents often resemble step families formed after heterosexual couples divorce. Due to social acceptance of diversity in sexual orientation (Perrin 2), same sex parenting is foreverRead MoreSame Sex Marriage And Marriage948 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. I know that I am strongly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I vigorously believe that traditional marriage and parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and pa renting are to me, issues of a society with strong traditional cultural identitiesRead MoreWhy Gay Men And Gay Couples Should Be Legal944 Words   |  4 PagesLesbians Perform as Parents Compared to Heterosexual Couples Recently, controversies have been witnessed concerning the issues of gender and sexuality. For example, the US government has issued directives regarding the legality of same-sex relationships. Several states in America have legalized homosexuality while the others have remained adamant to accept such sexual orientations. 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Wilma Smeenk, and Jan Gerris have done an analysis that associated parenting with delinquency. This analysis was able to link parental monitoring, psychological control, and negative aspects of support like rejection and hostility. The demographic was divided by parent and child gender, child age, informant on parenting, and delinquencyRead MoreRights of Same-Sex Couples as Parents Essay1432 Words   |  6 Pagesin the U.S., only six allow same-sex couples to get married, even fewer allow same-sex couples their full rights as parents. State laws aren’t the only laws to blame; some federal laws also inhibit same-sex marriage, benefits, adoption, and parenting rights. There are even laws prohibiting same-se x couples from becoming adoptive parents altogether. Rights should not be limited because of sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, or creed; that’s discrimination. 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Many are rejoicing over the freedom to marry whoever they desire, proclaiming a recently popular phrase, â€Å"love wins.† However, there are some who strongly oppose the ruling; many disagree due to opinion and religious beliefs. Some are reluctant to accept this change because they do not like the idea of a sterile marriage where biologically produ cing children on their own is