Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Free will and Science essays

Free will and Science essays If science is right, does that mean we dont have free will? What is free will? Free will is free in the sense that the human mind has the ability to consider multiple decisions and choose particular outcomes. In reality however, only one choice and only one decision is actually made. The makeup of the brain allows no uncaused, truly random or causeless factors to enter the process. But from the other perspective of the person making a decision, multiple decisions are possible, and multiple outcomes are well thought-out. If peoples behavior is fully explained by their genetics and environment, then so must be their beliefs. The fist thing that came to my mind in determining whether these factors science says influences us on our decision for having free will was homosexual beings. I have concluded that gays cant help being gay, and even perhaps that it would be too much too expect someone with that genetic tendency to abstain from all homosexual behavior, even if not particular acts at particular times. Homosexuals claim that they do not have a choice to become heterosexual due to genetics. Do you think that a person is born gay and is aware growing up who they are and what they stand for then one day chooses not to be gay anymore? I think not, genetic factors is something that you cant just snap out of and choose not to be that way, they influence our choice if we even have one when it comes to these factors. I dont believe that genes alone determine our actions, but all of our experiences added to the determinants. Of course we can choose to hit someone, ride our bike, or go out to eat, but we cannot freely choose who we are and what we are made of? Free will to me is more or less the ability to independently consider and choose between different alternatives, but sometimes due to genetic factors we have no choice (being gay). What about people who have a disability ...