Thursday, August 8, 2019

SMALL-SCALE RESEARCH PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

SMALL-SCALE RESEARCH PROJECT - Essay Example In the recent years, various scholars and researcher have discussed and written about the relationship between learning and teaching in education (college and university). Marsh and Roche (1993) analysed the opinions of the students regarding the effectiveness of teaching for enhancing the teaching levels in colleges or universities. Even Ryan and Harrison (1995) examined the weight that student put forth for different components in teaching for ascertaining the effectiveness. A study was conducted by Ralph (2003) on teaching effectiveness; in which he assessed the effectiveness by examining how rapidly students can learn from the teachings. So the above discussion signifies teaching effectively is one of the major factors that would assist the undergraduate students to learn efficiently (Fridah, 2004; Kothari, 2008). 1.2 Rationale of the Study As discussed above, teaching effectively is definitely one of the major factors to assist students in UEL to learn efficiently for their cour se, but the entire research cannot revolve around teaching because the ways of learning in the present times have changed. Nowadays teaching can definitely be one of the features of helping students, but not the only way. The rationale of this study is based on the objective of identifying the contemporary factors play significant role in recent times in learning process. Those factors are the ones which would assist the undergraduates of UEL to learn effectively. In this area also teaching plays a major role, which signifies teaching is obviously not a substitute, but a necessity. However, the definition of teaching has changed. Various modes of teaching has come up which has re-defined the ways teachers interacted with students. These aspects would be discussed in this study and researched through collection of evidences that would confirm the validity of the findings. 1.3 Overview: University of East London (UEL) The issues of research and discussion is relevant to every student irrespective of any country, but research on such large scale is difficult to conduct, so in this research study the researcher would be specifically focusing on the factors that will assist the undergraduate students of UEL to learn effectively for their lessons. However, in order to move on the research, it is significant to have a concise idea regarding the university, courses it offers and its environment. UEL in London Borough of Newha is a public university, which functions through its three campuses in Docklands, Stratford and another called University of Square Stratford that opened in 2013. UEL got the status of a university in the year 1992, but its operations can be traced back to 1892 (University of East London, 2013a, 2013b, 2013c, 2013d). There are around 28000 students in the university and among them 19520 are the undergraduates, while the rest are postgraduates. Due to the augmenting reputation of UEL, statistics revealed that 13 percent more applications were submi tted in 2011 compared to the previous years, which is indeed an indication that in terms of

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