Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China Assignment

Cultural Impacts of Industrial Revolution on the People of China - Assignment Example Mao Zedong is the leader who led to the significant drawback. Mao did not support the learning process because he believed that the process was tedious for the children and the students needed the first hand experience in agriculture. The ideology of Mao Zedong was based on the principle of simplicity. The country experienced significant problems with the approach developed by Mao Zedong. The drought experienced at the end of the period led to serious catastrophe. The impact of the cultural revolution by Mao Zedong Cultural Revolution took place from 1966 to 1976 under the leadership of Mao Zedong. The goal of Mao was to establish a more effective bureaucracy. Mao employed the young people to spread the idea of socialism around china. The impact of the Cultural Revolution was so adverse that it affected the industrialization of the country. It had a negative impact on the people and the economy a major drawback affecting even the foreign countries. The Cultural Revolution was based o n the concept that the schools did not offer proper learning because of the complexity. The complexity was the major issue the group highlighted in the education system (McCarty 67). Mao’s plan was to brainwash the Chinese citizens in order for them to uneducated and mindless. During the Cultural Revolution May Chinese students were not able to study because they were forced to farm and do manual labor. The values of the Cultural Revolution were taught in schools because it was a requirement of the government. Additionally, during 1966 and 1967, the students were required to complete a course covering the ideals of the Cultural Revolution in order to graduate. The process blocked many students making the completion of the school impossible and increased school drop outs. Over four million high school and college graduates were sent to farm land where they ended up being working in the farms instead of industries. The success of the move was evident because many talented stude nts were wasted by sticking and working in the fields. The ten years of Mao Zedong leadership brought with it significant challenges and affected the economy of china by changing the educational system. The impact of the change was handled for very many years later (McCarty 89). Mao’s philosophy led to adverse problems in all the sectors of the economy leading to serious problems. The industrialization era was postponed to after the end of the Cultural Revolution. Therefore, the country's industrialization was postponed until 1970s. The industrialization of china occurred later on compared to the western world. Industrialization and the Chinese culture Industrialization affected the Chinese culture significantly. The major change occurred in the social values of the community. The industrial revolution brought with it the several challenges including the creation of a great divide in the classes and class warfare. The new culture created the rich in the society with their foc us being on the acquisition of wealth and greed. The poverty gap increased after the end of the Cultural Revolution. The Cultural Revolution helped in creating a balance between the rich and the poor through the use of equity. The change from the agrarian revolution came to an end with the start of the industrial revolution with the Chinese citizen. The citizens were forced to take up jobs in the companies with the

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