Friday, December 27, 2019


HOW CAN WE STOP THE ABUSE OF THE AMERICAN WELFARE SYSTEM? It is well known that the Social Security Act of 1935 created a federally financed and federally administered retirement insurance program for people who had worked in certain sectors of the economy and had paid payroll taxes on their wages. What is less known is that the Act also created a federally financed but state-administered program called Aid to Dependent Children (â€Å"ADC,† later to become Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or â€Å"AFDC†)? As Sheldon H. Danziger and Jeffrey S. Lehman stated in â€Å"Welfare†, â€Å"When Americans speak of â€Å"welfare† or â€Å"relief† they are usually alluding to ADC and its successor programs. From the outset, the design and implementation of ADC†¦show more content†¦The opposition to entitlements was partially based on religion and partially on the American credo of â€Å"individuals working hard and reaping the rewards†. Gradually, the concept of working for welfare checks , particularly among able bodied males, gained wide acceptance. This concept of doing some kind of work for volunteer/nonprofit organizations and municipalities came to be known as â€Å"Workfare†. The greatest impetus, however, for the political movement away from the entitlement credo was the perceived wide-spread abuse of the welfare system. The â€Å"Welfare Cadillac and Mink Coat† motifs were used so often that they became part of the pantheon of â€Å"Urban Legends†. Faced with public outcries and indignation, the Federal Government completely overhauled the welfare system in 1996. However, even with the 1996 overhaul, the welfare system is often perceived as being abused. The questions become: †¢ Can we identify the areas of abuse? †¢ Can prevention of the abuse be mandated or legislated? †¢ Can training/education/employment programs lessen or stop the abuse? †¢ Can we stop/lessen abuse without injuring innocent bystanders (young children, etc)? One of the major welfare abuses is â€Å"double-dipping† (working and illegally continuing to receive welfare and/or food stamp benefits). Double-dipping costs the welfare system millions of dollars annually. Cooperation between local welfare and law enforcement agencies canShow MoreRelatedThe Controversial Idea Of Drug Testing Welfare Recipients1510 Words   |  7 Pagesidea of drug testing welfare recipients, the most important thing I leaned is that Kline and colleagues surveyed substance use among a representative sample of welfare recipients in New Jersey. They found that 12 percent admitted that they used cocaine, but 25 percent tested positive for cocaine use based on hair sample analyses. Now that I know that, I can better understand the larger issue that the drug epidemic is monumental in the United States, and unfortunately we can not simply take peoplesRead MoreMandatory Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients1526 Words   |  7 PagesBreez Arann Ms. Holiday English 12 11/04/15 Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients When the United States’ welfare program was created during the Great Depression, it was meant to temporarily relieve the burdens of the one-fourth of American families who were unemployed, and struggling financially. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Social Security Act in 1935, then amended it in 1939 to create programs to assist families with unemployment compensation, and to create government agenciesRead MoreWelfare Recipients Drug Tested1311 Words   |  6 PagesThere has been an ongoing controversy as to whether welfare recipients should have to have drug testing done. Drug testing will ensure that recipients will not abuse the money they’re given by the government. Having people on welfare take drug test is advantageous because it could save the system money, it would help social workers identify children who are around drug abuse, and it would deter people from purchasing and using illegal drugs; however, it does have a downside such as people who are Read MoreEvolution of the Typical American Family Essay1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe American family has come a long way and has changed a lot overtime. Liberals and conservatives have their own views on the American family today. It is very tough to raise a family nowadays. However, there are some easier ways to raise a family today as well. Some of the things that I will talk about are divorce and its effects, welfare, abusiveness on children and wives, and a couple of articles in the book, Families in the U.S. One tough thing about todays American family is divorceRead MoreEssay on Enough Immigration1520 Words   |  7 PagesImmigration Why should the United State’s allow any more immigrants to come in? There are enough people here as is; we don’t need the waste of other countries coming into ours to take up our space and use up all of our resources. We as American’s have rights to our land; the privilege to be an American is losing its sense of worthiness with the increased number of immigrants becoming Americans. The borders of the United States are too open, the U.S. should enforce a lot more security and responsibilityRead MoreEssay on Making Drug Testing Mandatory for Welfare1381 Words   |  6 Pagesaid called â€Å"welfare† that helps struggling people by offering financial support. Welfare is a federally funded program that helps citizens that are in financial trouble, with the intention of being a sort of â€Å"stand in† for income until a person is able to get back on their feet and find a new source of employment. This program started back in 1930’s as a response to the financial hit many people with a family took as a result of the Great Depression. There are multiple types of welfare that giveRead More Welfare - Greedy Mothers and Lazy Families Essay819 Words   |  4 PagesWelfare - Greedy Mothers and Lazy Families   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Millions of Americans are signed up for welfare; the program designed to aid poor and needy families. Unfortunately, it has now become a way of life for many. Many argue that welfare is not destroying our culture and creating a dependent people who have learned to abuse certain privileges that come with living in America, but history has proven that this is not true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When President Clinton signed the welfare reform bill, he said TodayRead MoreDrug Testing and Public Assistance1299 Words   |  5 Pagesa federal program and service, provided to the needy by the federal government. These federal programs are meant to assist government, organizations, and individuals in all areas such as health, public safety, education, and public welfare. These various programs can typically reach over $400 billion annually; and are provided through many federal agencies. Perhaps the most controversial these days is drug testing for public assistance and temporary assistance for needy families or Supplemental NutritionRead MoreChild Maltreatment And Its Effect On Children Essay1469 Words   |  6 PagesWhen we turn on the news or pick up a newspaper, there is a high chance that we will read another horror story about a maltreated child. It seems as long as bad people are in this world, abuse and neglect will always exist. While statistics show that maltreatment cases have decreased, we wonder if that really is the case . Many people feel that both the police and programs created to protect children have failed. Although, we might not be able to stop maltreatment altogether, there is still room forRead MoreThe Ride Along Experience Essay1553 Words   |  7 PagesAlong Experience Maddie Heth Michelle Emerson-Lewis CRJ 110 – 102 During my ride along with Officer McNairy of the Castle Rock Police department we had two cases of harassment, one welfare case, and one traffic violation that we worked on. Both harassment cases were easy enough, as was the traffic violation which we let go with just a warning. Welfare cases don’t normally go to police officers to manage, but on the day of my ride along one was. I had a very good time during my ride along and will

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Three Laws of Motion - 602 Words

The Three Laws of Motion The three laws of motion were founded by an English mathematician names Sir Isaac Newton. He explained the three laws of motions by using his scientific inquiry. All the laws of motions are physics, which is physical science. Without these laws of motion, we would not know how to explain why things move or not. Also e wouldn’t know how to be safe. Each law of motion is very different from the others and is very specific in terms of explanation. For example, one of the laws of motion has a formula that is: acceleration=net force divided by mass. This formula can also be written as: force=mass x acceleration. Physics is an important topic of science. Without physics, we wouldn’t understand how objects will move or when it will stop. Safety relies on physics also. Because of physics, seatbelts were invented for the safety of using cars. Physics also explains why the moon orbits around the earth and the earth orbits around the sun. The English mathematician man named Sir Isaac Newton restated Galileo’s ideas about motion in the first of his three laws of motion. Sir Isaac Newton made the three laws of motion, which made a huge impact on the world. Newton’s 1st law of motion states that an object will remain at rest or move at a constant velocity unless an outside unbalanced force acts upon it. An unbalanced force will cause an object to speed up, slow down, or change direction. For example, if an object is not moving, it will continueShow MoreRelatedNewtons Three Laws of Motion737 Words   |  3 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion   One of the most influential and top contributors to the world of physics to me is Sir Isaac Newton. Father of modern science, Sir Isaac Newton was born on January 4th, 1643 in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, United Kingdom and died on March 31st  1727, Kensington, London, United Kingdom. He was an English physicist and mathematician who formulated three laws of motion that help explain some of the very important principles of physics. Some of Newton’s laws could only beRead MoreNewton s Three Laws Of Motion1021 Words   |  5 Pages Newton’s Three Laws of Motion Timmo Wooldridge 11/18/2015 Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that made the foundation for modern mechanics. They describe the relationship between the body and the forces upon it, and it’s response to the motion. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians that ever lived, born in England on December 25, 1643, the same year that Galileo died. He went to Trinity college in Cambridge. While he was in college, NewtonRead MoreIsaac Newton s Three Laws Of Motion Essay1370 Words   |  6 Pagespenned his three laws of motion in his book, Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis. His first law states, â€Å"Every body perseveres in its state of rest†¦ unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed thereon† (Newton 1686, p. 83). As a result, his second law is built upon this principle, â€Å"The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive forces impressed† (Newton 1686, p. 83). Furthermore, Newtonâ⠂¬â„¢s third law, perhaps the most famous, serves to tie the three conceptsRead MoreApplying Newton s Three Laws Of Motion2044 Words   |  9 Pagesleast 6 meters if not more. The purpose of this project is to apply newton s three laws of motion. The first law is that every object in a state of uniform motion tend to remain in the same state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. Newton s second law of motion pertains to the behavior of objects for which all existing forces are not balanced. The second law states that the accelerate. His third law is that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I thought thatRead MoreBiography Of Isaac Newton s Three Laws Of Motion1003 Words   |  5 Pagesphysicist who had developed his three laws of motion by the age of 23. He was born in 1642 the same year the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei died. Galileo’s work helped to influence or set the stage for the development and creation of Newton’s three laws. Newton’s three laws of motion consists of the first law which is the concepts of inertia, second law which is relating acceleration to its cause and lastly the third law which is action and reaction. The laws of motion were interpreted in the mostRead MoreSir Isaac Newton s Three Laws Of Motion1163 Words   |  5 Pagesevents. With the help of Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion, these events can easily be explained. Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion are rules of nature which provide the means to see how so many aspects of life beautifully connect with one another. The first law consists of objects that are at rest remain at rest and vice versa for objects in motion. The second law relates to behavior of objects in which existing forces are not balanced. The third law consists of action-reaction. Overall, SirRead MoreEssay Sir Isaac Newtons Three Laws of Motion1373 Words   |  6 Pagesgiving him the sudden idea for the Universal Law of Gravity. This, as I am sure most of us know, is not really what happened. A more accurate version would probably be, Newton observed an apple falling from a tree and started contemplating the physics of the apples fall. The acceleration experienced by the apple, which started at zero when hanging in the tree, then increased as the apple fell. This as Newton reasoned from his second law of motion, means there must be a force acting uponRead More Newtons Three Laws of Motion Essay example516 Words   |  3 Pageseach of Sir Isaac Newtons laws everyday. In a car, pushing a car, or even in a fight. All of these laws have to do with motion. You can experience the first law in a stopping car, the second when you are a pushing a shopping cart, and the third one in the water. Newtons first law in laymen terms is An object in motion tends to stay in motion, and an object at rest tends to stay at rest, unless the object is acted upon by an outside force. You would feel the law if you were in a fast movingRead MoreNewton s Laws Of Motion936 Words   |  4 PagesPhysical Science Level 1 18 October 2015 Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton s three laws of motion play a huge role in our everyday life; from driving down the road and catching a baseball. Newton’s laws help us fully understand gravity, motion, and force in three easy-to-understand laws. Newton’s first law of motion describes that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force. Newton’s first law can also be called the law of inertia. This is true because inertia is anRead MoreThe Modern Era Of Car Safety967 Words   |  4 Pagesrequired. Newton’s 3 laws of motion give a great testament to forces acted upon a given object. His three laws are: 1. First law of motion, â€Å"The law of inertia†: â€Å"Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it† (Newton s three laws of motion, 2001). This law states that if an object is moving at a uniform speed, it will not stop unless an external force is applied to it. 2. Second law of motion (F = ma): â€Å"The relationship

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Event of Australian Open Tennis Tournament-Samples for Students

Questions: 1. Identify the type, dimension and associated attractions of the Chosen event. 2. Provide a brief analysis of the categorisation indicators such as a. Form or content (eg. Sports event, cultural event, business event, etc) b. Location and Size c. Budget considerations d. Number of participants 3. Identify Event Stakeholders and discuss their involved in the chosen event. Answers: 1.Introduction Australian Open is one of the biggest sports event that is held within the country. This event is held on an annual basis in Melbourne since 1905. The tournament has the record of having the highest number of attendants in a Grand Slam event. This is due to the reason that it attracts large number of tourists from across the globe. The event also boasts of hosting the event in an indoor and an outdoor manner, which makes it the first of its kind. These factors have helped majorly in attracting the people for this particular event (Gescheit et al. 2017). 2.Analysis a.Form of the event Australian Open is a sporting event that is held in Melbourne, Australia every year, which brings out the best from all the sportsmen and sportswomen who participate in this event. It is one of the famous lawn tennis competition events that is held across the globe. The players who participate in it are famous, which helps in attracting the audiences from all over the world (Chen and Guo 2014). b.Location and Size c.The event is held in all over Melbourne with the help of different parks and tennis courts that are situated over there. This sporting event is held on a large scale, as it is one of the famous events that is held in Australia every year. The players are accommodated in some of the best hotels in Melbourne so that they can have a better experience with their stay and play with a peaceful mindset. They are given proper training facilities so that the players can practice their skills prior to their matches (Whiteside and Reid 2016). c.Budget considerations The organizers of the event have to keep in mind the costs of the courts that are being hired for the tournament. The cost of the courts may vary depending on the size and the seating capacity of it. The number of people that can be accommodated within the arena, it is likely that it will affect the cost of the courts (Whiteside, Bane and Reid 2016). The cost of the balls needs to be taken in to consideration as well, as the cost of a set of three balls that are used in the tournament are around $7 dollars. The tournament will require more than hundred cans of balls so that the players can be provided with it during the tournaments and during their practice sessions as well. The use of new balls for the matches will help in playing the game in a fair manner (John, Stweart and McDonald 2013). The officials of the matches and the assistances that are required for the matches needs to be hired as well for which the organizers have to pay them. Each of the match officials will charge on an hourly basis, which may vary from $40-$50 per hour. These costs need to be taken in to account, as without some of them the tournament cannot proceed further (Brouwers, Sotiriadou and De Bosscher 2015). Another important requirement is the first aids and the refreshments that need to be provided to the players during the course of the match. If the players are injured while playing, they need to be administered with the first aid immediately so that it prevents further damages to the injured parts. The breaks that are given to players after the end of each match helps them in rejuvenating the energy by taking an adequate supply of water and other energy drinks. A separate cost needs to be set for these things as well (Reid et al. 2014). Particulars Amount Promotional Activities $20000 Collection of fees for the event $5000 Rent for each of the courts $750 Rent for officials on an hourly basis $20 Cost of balls (150 sets @ $7 per box) $1050 Water (120 cases @ $3 per case) $480 Trophies $1000 Printing charges $2500 Miscellaneous expenses $6500 Total expenses $37300 (Source: Created by Author) d.Number of participants A tournament like Australian Open attracts large number of players, as it helps the players to gain recognition among the masses. It is seen that 320 players both seeded and unseeded participate in the tournament so that they can take their chances in winning the tournament. The number of participants is divided between men, women and the wheelchair matches for the physically handicapped category that is present in the tournament (Chen and Guo 2014). 3.Role of Stakeholders The various sports commission of Australia such as Tennis Australia, Tennis Victoria and Valley Sport. These associations help in managing, promoting and coordinating the course of the events that take place in during the tournament. The other major stakeholder for the tournament is the sports media such as KIA sports and Channel 9 who has the responsibility of broadcasting the matches directly for the viewers who are sitting at home and watching the game (Thompson et al. 2016). Reference List Gescheit, D.T., Cormack, S.J., Duffield, R., Kovalchik, S., Wood, T.O., Omizzolo, M. and Reid, M., 2017. Injury epidemiology of tennis players at the 20112016 Australian Open Grand Slam.Br J Sports Med, pp.bjsports-2016. Whiteside, D. and Reid, M., 2016. External match workloads during the first week of Australian Open tennis competition.International journal of sports physiology and performance, pp.1-20. John, A., Stewart, B. and McDonald, B., 2013. Mixed doubles: Political hegemony, urban entrepreneurialism and the Australian Open Tennis Championships.The International Journal of the History of Sport,30(2), pp.162-178. Brouwers, J., Sotiriadou, P. and De Bosscher, V., 2015. An examination of the stakeholders and elite athlete development pathways in tennis.European Sport Management Quarterly,15(4), pp.454-477. Reid, M., Morgan, S., Churchill, T. and Bane, M.K., 2014. Rankings in professional mens tennis: a rich but underutilized source of information.Journal of Sports Sciences,32(10), pp.986-992. Thompson, A.J., Martin, A.J., Gee, S. and Geurin, A.N., 2016. Fans perceptions of professional tennis events social media presence: Interaction, insight, and brand anthropomorphism.Communication Sport, p.2167479516650442. Chen, G. and Guo, K., 2014, November. The Dynamic Analysis on Li Nas Winning Technical Index in Australian Open form 2013 to 2014. In2014 International Conference on Social Science (ICSS-14). Atlantis Press. Whiteside, D., Bane, M. and Reid, M., 2016, May. Differentiating Top-Ranked Male Tennis Players from Lower ranked Players Using Hawk-Eye Data: An Investigation Of The 20122014 Australian Open Tournaments. InISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive(Vol. 33, No. 1).

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Servervault Analysis free essay sample

There are several approaches which are worth for SeverVault to consider. The first alternative is Status Quo (SQ), it means do nothing and let the business keeps running in the old way. Since Severvault is going to meet the venture capitalists who are interested in taking an equity stake in SeverVault in exchange for a cash investment, there are few possibilities that may might happen if it has decided to use Status Quo. The first possibility is that ServerVault has failed to attract those venture capitalist to invest. Then, due to the limited cash that ServerVault is holding and the negative cash flow, it will record a negative cash balance of $706422 in September 2000 (Appendix 1). Therefore, as there is no more additional capital investment in this period, ServerVault will not be able to keep operating its business and will result of bankrupt in the end. The second possibility is that if the venture capitalists invest only 5 million. We will write a custom essay sample on Servervault Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This amount of capital can maintain its business in a short run. However, because investing in hosting company is classified as long term investment, and ServerVault is still in the early stage of its development. 5 million is not adequate to maintain its operation in long run. Since the cost of building the new facilities and the computer hardware are the major cash outflow, the net cash flow will still be negative. Therefore, November 2000 will be the last month recording of a positive cash flow of $798678 and it will have a negative cash balance of $876022 in December 2000 (Appendix 2). ServerVault is still walking towards the way of bankruptcy. The last possibility is that if the venture capitalists invest 15 million. In this case, although ServerVault will not have sufficient cash to run its business, it will be able to operate for a longer time compare to the second possibility. According the Appendix 3, Servervault will record its first negative cash balance of $102422 in July 2001. In short, quoting to the 12 months cash flow forecast of ServerVaut in Appendix 4, the cash outflow is exceeding than its cash inflow. If there is not additional funding besides those venture capitalists, ServerVault will not have enough cash to keep operating and will declare bankrupt eventually. The second alternative is the merging between ServerVault and the other hosting company. There are several advantages of merging with the other hosting companies in the same market. First of all, merging can expand its market share in hosting industry. Since each hosting company has obtained certain percentage of the market share, its market share may be sufficient to affect the market price of internet hosting service. If merging happens between two companies, their market shares will turn into a single company. Thus, that company will have more market share. More market share will enable a company to have a larger bargaining power to its suppliers, customers, investors. In this case, Serervault will have more bargaining power to its venture capitalists. Not only will the venture capitalists have a higher chance to invest 15 million, but also it will attract more capitalists to invest. Take the example of the two largest online video firms Tudou and Youku, the acquisition of Todou can grant more than 35% of market share which giving it more bargaining power with potential advertisers . Moreover, The joint operation is expected to help the firms cut costs in areas such as copyrights, bandwidth and server purchases. In short, not only merging can increase the market share, but also reduce the operating cost. Therefore, if merging can reduce the operating cost such as set up, hosting, and services cost will be definitely decrease in a significant portion. Another advantage is that merging can increase the competitiveness of its company. As the market share will be increased by merging two companies, it will has a lower production cost (operating cost). As a result, ServerVault can provide the same hosting service with a lower market price because of the lower production cost. Thus, since ServerVault has been doing the product differentiator because of its unique security technology, it can shift its cost driver from product differentiator to cost leader gradually. So it can widen its customer base not only for those who are looking for fast and secure internet service, but also for customers who cannot afford for the original price. With reference to the example of facebooks Instagram acquisition, since Instagram has become a popular application used on facebook, a site that has built an audience of some 950 million users,and its nature is similar with facebook about sharing photos on the internet, the acquisition can help facebook to eliminate a large competitor in photo sharing market. This movement helps facebook to maintain its competitiveness in the market. If ServerVault merges with the other hosting company, it will bring a similar effect as facebook and Instagram. Last but not least, merging with the other hosting company can help Servervault to solve its financial problem. If the merging company has adequate cash balance, it enables ServerVault to implement its original plan of expanding its business and building more new facilities. If the venture capitalists invest 5 million, ServerVault needs $11140422 to keep operating its business until it record a positive cash flow (Appendix 5). If they invest 15 million, it needs $1140422 until there is a positive cash flow (Appendix 6). (This calculation is based on the cost before merging, the real cost will be lower because of the lower operation cost after merging) However, there are some drawbacks about the merging. Firstly, the control power of the company will be shared between the merging company and ServerVault. Therefore, ServerVault may not have the full decision making power on its original plan. It may need to cooperate with the merging company to come up with a new plan for its future. Moreover, the confidential information such as the secure technology will no longer solely belong to ServerVault but the merging company as well. Therefore, there are some risks that ServerVault has to take if it has decided to merge with other hosting company. In conclusion, if Servervault chooses the alternative of Status Quo, it will no longer survive in the long run. Even if the venture capitalists invest 15 million cash in it, the longest life span of Serervault will be in Decemeber 2001 and as a result of bankruptcy. Therefore, as there is a high demand of cash in operating a hosting company, I strongly recommend ServerVault to consider the possibility of merging with the other hosting company. However, there are some arrangements which Servervault should concern. The first one is which company is the most appropriate one to merge with. To answer this question, we should focus on the market share and the financial position of that company. Servervault will not able to survive if the company has tiny market share and insufficient cash balance to support its expansion plan. Secondly, with reference to Appendix 4,the expected growth of web hosting industry are different among companies in different segment. Since the growth rate of managed section is way better than the co-located and shared (from 1million 2000 to almost 11 million 2004), we should consider merging with company which is also in managed section. The recommended companies are Digex, IBM, Data Return, and also Carpathia. If there is no company which can fulfill the above requirements, it means that expanding of its business rapidly is no longer a wise choice for Servervault.