Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Event of Australian Open Tennis Tournament-Samples for Students

Questions: 1. Identify the type, dimension and associated attractions of the Chosen event. 2. Provide a brief analysis of the categorisation indicators such as a. Form or content (eg. Sports event, cultural event, business event, etc) b. Location and Size c. Budget considerations d. Number of participants 3. Identify Event Stakeholders and discuss their involved in the chosen event. Answers: 1.Introduction Australian Open is one of the biggest sports event that is held within the country. This event is held on an annual basis in Melbourne since 1905. The tournament has the record of having the highest number of attendants in a Grand Slam event. This is due to the reason that it attracts large number of tourists from across the globe. The event also boasts of hosting the event in an indoor and an outdoor manner, which makes it the first of its kind. These factors have helped majorly in attracting the people for this particular event (Gescheit et al. 2017). 2.Analysis a.Form of the event Australian Open is a sporting event that is held in Melbourne, Australia every year, which brings out the best from all the sportsmen and sportswomen who participate in this event. It is one of the famous lawn tennis competition events that is held across the globe. The players who participate in it are famous, which helps in attracting the audiences from all over the world (Chen and Guo 2014). b.Location and Size c.The event is held in all over Melbourne with the help of different parks and tennis courts that are situated over there. This sporting event is held on a large scale, as it is one of the famous events that is held in Australia every year. The players are accommodated in some of the best hotels in Melbourne so that they can have a better experience with their stay and play with a peaceful mindset. They are given proper training facilities so that the players can practice their skills prior to their matches (Whiteside and Reid 2016). c.Budget considerations The organizers of the event have to keep in mind the costs of the courts that are being hired for the tournament. The cost of the courts may vary depending on the size and the seating capacity of it. The number of people that can be accommodated within the arena, it is likely that it will affect the cost of the courts (Whiteside, Bane and Reid 2016). The cost of the balls needs to be taken in to consideration as well, as the cost of a set of three balls that are used in the tournament are around $7 dollars. The tournament will require more than hundred cans of balls so that the players can be provided with it during the tournaments and during their practice sessions as well. The use of new balls for the matches will help in playing the game in a fair manner (John, Stweart and McDonald 2013). The officials of the matches and the assistances that are required for the matches needs to be hired as well for which the organizers have to pay them. Each of the match officials will charge on an hourly basis, which may vary from $40-$50 per hour. These costs need to be taken in to account, as without some of them the tournament cannot proceed further (Brouwers, Sotiriadou and De Bosscher 2015). Another important requirement is the first aids and the refreshments that need to be provided to the players during the course of the match. If the players are injured while playing, they need to be administered with the first aid immediately so that it prevents further damages to the injured parts. The breaks that are given to players after the end of each match helps them in rejuvenating the energy by taking an adequate supply of water and other energy drinks. A separate cost needs to be set for these things as well (Reid et al. 2014). Particulars Amount Promotional Activities $20000 Collection of fees for the event $5000 Rent for each of the courts $750 Rent for officials on an hourly basis $20 Cost of balls (150 sets @ $7 per box) $1050 Water (120 cases @ $3 per case) $480 Trophies $1000 Printing charges $2500 Miscellaneous expenses $6500 Total expenses $37300 (Source: Created by Author) d.Number of participants A tournament like Australian Open attracts large number of players, as it helps the players to gain recognition among the masses. It is seen that 320 players both seeded and unseeded participate in the tournament so that they can take their chances in winning the tournament. The number of participants is divided between men, women and the wheelchair matches for the physically handicapped category that is present in the tournament (Chen and Guo 2014). 3.Role of Stakeholders The various sports commission of Australia such as Tennis Australia, Tennis Victoria and Valley Sport. These associations help in managing, promoting and coordinating the course of the events that take place in during the tournament. The other major stakeholder for the tournament is the sports media such as KIA sports and Channel 9 who has the responsibility of broadcasting the matches directly for the viewers who are sitting at home and watching the game (Thompson et al. 2016). Reference List Gescheit, D.T., Cormack, S.J., Duffield, R., Kovalchik, S., Wood, T.O., Omizzolo, M. and Reid, M., 2017. Injury epidemiology of tennis players at the 20112016 Australian Open Grand Slam.Br J Sports Med, pp.bjsports-2016. Whiteside, D. and Reid, M., 2016. External match workloads during the first week of Australian Open tennis competition.International journal of sports physiology and performance, pp.1-20. John, A., Stewart, B. and McDonald, B., 2013. Mixed doubles: Political hegemony, urban entrepreneurialism and the Australian Open Tennis Championships.The International Journal of the History of Sport,30(2), pp.162-178. Brouwers, J., Sotiriadou, P. and De Bosscher, V., 2015. An examination of the stakeholders and elite athlete development pathways in tennis.European Sport Management Quarterly,15(4), pp.454-477. Reid, M., Morgan, S., Churchill, T. and Bane, M.K., 2014. Rankings in professional mens tennis: a rich but underutilized source of information.Journal of Sports Sciences,32(10), pp.986-992. Thompson, A.J., Martin, A.J., Gee, S. and Geurin, A.N., 2016. Fans perceptions of professional tennis events social media presence: Interaction, insight, and brand anthropomorphism.Communication Sport, p.2167479516650442. Chen, G. and Guo, K., 2014, November. The Dynamic Analysis on Li Nas Winning Technical Index in Australian Open form 2013 to 2014. In2014 International Conference on Social Science (ICSS-14). Atlantis Press. Whiteside, D., Bane, M. and Reid, M., 2016, May. Differentiating Top-Ranked Male Tennis Players from Lower ranked Players Using Hawk-Eye Data: An Investigation Of The 20122014 Australian Open Tournaments. InISBS-Conference Proceedings Archive(Vol. 33, No. 1).

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