Friday, December 27, 2019


HOW CAN WE STOP THE ABUSE OF THE AMERICAN WELFARE SYSTEM? It is well known that the Social Security Act of 1935 created a federally financed and federally administered retirement insurance program for people who had worked in certain sectors of the economy and had paid payroll taxes on their wages. What is less known is that the Act also created a federally financed but state-administered program called Aid to Dependent Children (â€Å"ADC,† later to become Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or â€Å"AFDC†)? As Sheldon H. Danziger and Jeffrey S. Lehman stated in â€Å"Welfare†, â€Å"When Americans speak of â€Å"welfare† or â€Å"relief† they are usually alluding to ADC and its successor programs. From the outset, the design and implementation of ADC†¦show more content†¦The opposition to entitlements was partially based on religion and partially on the American credo of â€Å"individuals working hard and reaping the rewards†. Gradually, the concept of working for welfare checks , particularly among able bodied males, gained wide acceptance. This concept of doing some kind of work for volunteer/nonprofit organizations and municipalities came to be known as â€Å"Workfare†. The greatest impetus, however, for the political movement away from the entitlement credo was the perceived wide-spread abuse of the welfare system. The â€Å"Welfare Cadillac and Mink Coat† motifs were used so often that they became part of the pantheon of â€Å"Urban Legends†. Faced with public outcries and indignation, the Federal Government completely overhauled the welfare system in 1996. However, even with the 1996 overhaul, the welfare system is often perceived as being abused. The questions become: †¢ Can we identify the areas of abuse? †¢ Can prevention of the abuse be mandated or legislated? †¢ Can training/education/employment programs lessen or stop the abuse? †¢ Can we stop/lessen abuse without injuring innocent bystanders (young children, etc)? One of the major welfare abuses is â€Å"double-dipping† (working and illegally continuing to receive welfare and/or food stamp benefits). Double-dipping costs the welfare system millions of dollars annually. Cooperation between local welfare and law enforcement agencies canShow MoreRelatedThe Controversial Idea Of Drug Testing Welfare Recipients1510 Words   |  7 Pagesidea of drug testing welfare recipients, the most important thing I leaned is that Kline and colleagues surveyed substance use among a representative sample of welfare recipients in New Jersey. They found that 12 percent admitted that they used cocaine, but 25 percent tested positive for cocaine use based on hair sample analyses. Now that I know that, I can better understand the larger issue that the drug epidemic is monumental in the United States, and unfortunately we can not simply take peoplesRead MoreMandatory Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients1526 Words   |  7 PagesBreez Arann Ms. Holiday English 12 11/04/15 Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients When the United States’ welfare program was created during the Great Depression, it was meant to temporarily relieve the burdens of the one-fourth of American families who were unemployed, and struggling financially. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Social Security Act in 1935, then amended it in 1939 to create programs to assist families with unemployment compensation, and to create government agenciesRead MoreWelfare Recipients Drug Tested1311 Words   |  6 PagesThere has been an ongoing controversy as to whether welfare recipients should have to have drug testing done. 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Many argue that welfare is not destroying our culture and creating a dependent people who have learned to abuse certain privileges that come with living in America, but history has proven that this is not true.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When President Clinton signed the welfare reform bill, he said TodayRead MoreDrug Testing and Public Assistance1299 Words   |  5 Pagesa federal program and service, provided to the needy by the federal government. These federal programs are meant to assist government, organizations, and individuals in all areas such as health, public safety, education, and public welfare. These various programs can typically reach over $400 billion annually; and are provided through many federal agencies. 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